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org.drools.util - JBoss RULES 3.0.6 API 英文版文档

Package org.drools.util

Interface Summary
CompositeCollection.CollectionMutator Pluggable strategy to handle changes to the composite.
FastCollection.Record This interface represents the collection records which can directly be iterated over.
LinkedListNode Items placed in a LinkedList must implement this interface .
MapIterator Defines an iterator that operates over a Map.
MultiLinkedListNode MultiLinkedListNode This is a specialization of the LinkedListNode that also keeps reference to a child node (that might me member of another LinkedList) and the containing LinkedList.

Class Summary
AbstractBaseLinkedListNode Provides a abstract base implementation that an object can extend so that it can be used in a LinkedList.
AbstractHashedMap An abstract implementation of a hash-based map which provides numerous points for subclasses to override.
AbstractHashedMap.EntrySet EntrySet implementation.
AbstractHashedMap.EntrySetIterator EntrySet iterator.
AbstractHashedMap.HashEntry HashEntry used to store the data.
AbstractHashedMap.HashIterator Base Iterator
AbstractHashedMap.HashMapIterator MapIterator implementation.
AbstractHashedMap.KeySet KeySet implementation.
AbstractHashedMap.KeySetIterator KeySet iterator.
AbstractHashedMap.Values Values implementation.
AbstractHashedMap.ValuesIterator Values iterator.
BaseMultiLinkedListNode BaseMultiLinkedListNode A base implementation for the MultiLinkedListNode that helps to manage object references.
CompositeCollection Decorates a collection of other collections to provide a single unified view.
EmptyMapIterator Provides an implementation of an empty map iterator.
FastCollection This class represents collections which can quickly be iterated over (forward or backward) in a thread-safe manner without creating new objects and without using iterators .
FastComparator This class represents a comparator to be used for equality as well as for ordering; instances of this class provide a hashcode function consistent with equal (if two objects are equal, they have the same hashcode), equality with null values is supported.
FastMap This class represents a hash map with real-time behavior; smooth capacity increase and no rehashing ever performed.
FastMap.Entry This class represents a FastMap entry.
IdentityMap A Map implementation that matches keys and values based on == not equals().
IdentityMap.IdentityEntry HashEntry
IteratorChain An IteratorChain is an Iterator that wraps a number of Iterators.
LinkedList This is a simple linked linked implementation.
LinkedListObjectWrapper The idea behind LinkedListNodeWrapper is to be able to add the same LinkedListNode to multiple LinkedLists where the node can have different previous and next nodes in each list.
MultiLinkedList MultiLinkedList A linked list where each node has a reference to the list itself and to a child node.
MultiLinkedListNodeWrapper MultiLinkedListNodeWrapper A wrapper to a MultiLinkedListNode in a way you can add it to another linked list without losing the references to the original list.
PriorityQueue Binary heap implementation of Buffer that provides for removal based on Comparator ordering.
ReflectiveVisitor Java Tip 98: Reflect on the Visitor design pattern.