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MultiLinkedList - JBoss RULES 3.0.6 API 英文版文档

Class MultiLinkedList

  extended by org.drools.util.LinkedList
      extended by org.drools.util.MultiLinkedList
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MultiLinkedList
extends LinkedList

MultiLinkedList A linked list where each node has a reference to the list itself and to a child node.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void add(MultiLinkedListNode node)
          Add a MultiLinkedListNode to the list.
 void remove(MultiLinkedListNode node)
          Removes a MultiLinkedListNode from the list.
Methods inherited from class org.drools.util.LinkedList
add, clear, getFirst, getLast, isEmpty, iterator, remove, removeFirst, removeLast, size
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MultiLinkedList()
Method Detail


public void add(MultiLinkedListNode node)
Add a MultiLinkedListNode to the list. If the MultiLinkedList is empty then the first and last nodes are set to the added node.

node - The LinkedListNode to be added


public void remove(MultiLinkedListNode node)
Removes a MultiLinkedListNode from the list. This works by attach the previous reference to the child reference. When the node to be removed is the first node it calls removeFirst(). When the node to be removed is the last node it calls removeLast().

node - The LinkedListNode to be removed.