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JBoss Portal 2.2 - JBoss Portal 2.2 User Guide 英文版用户使用指南文档

JBoss Portal 2.2

User Guide

Thomas Heute

Roy Russo

Table of Contents

JBoss Portal - Overview
Feature List
Target Audience
1. System Requirements
1.1. Minimum System Requirements
1.2. Supported Operating Systems
1.3. JBoss Application Server
1.4. Database
1.5. Source building
2. Installation
2.1. Install Overview
2.1.1. JBoss Application Server
2.1.2. Getting the JBoss Portal files
2.1.3. Database
2.1.4. JDBC connector
2.2. Setting up your environment
2.2.1. Database
2.2.2. JBoss AS Configuration
2.3. Deploying JBoss Portal
2.3.1. From the binaries
2.3.2. From the sources
2.4. Running JBoss Portal
2.4.1. Logging in
3. Customizing your installation
3.1. Changing the port
3.2. Changing the context path
3.3. Forcing the DB dialect
3.3.1. DB Dialect settings for the portal core
3.3.2. DB Dialect settings for the CMS component
3.4. Configuring the Content Store Location
3.4.1. Configuring a FileSystem Store
3.4.2. Configuring External Blobs with a DB Store
4. Upgrading 2.0 - 2.2
4.1. Deployment Descriptors
4.1.1. Example - Assigning a Portlet on a Page
4.2. Content Management System
4.2.1. Migrating Content
4.3. Forums Migration
4.3.1. Forums DB schema issues
4.3.2. Portal 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 Forums migration
4.3.3. Nessesary steps to migrate Forums
5. Portal Object Management - Dynamicity
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Functionalities
5.3. Managing portal instances
5.3.1. Creating portal pages
5.3.2. Securing the portal instance
5.3.3. Modifying the portal instance appearance
5.4. Managing portlets and portlet instances
5.4.1. Creating portlet instances
5.4.2. Modifying portlet instance preferences
5.4.3. Securing portlets
5.4.4. Modifying portlet window appearance
5.5. Managing portal pages
5.5.1. Creating portlet windows
5.5.2. Securing portal pages
5.5.3. Modifying the portal page appearance
6. CMS Portlet
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Features
6.3. CMS Configuration
6.3.1. Portlet Configuration
6.3.2. Service Configuration
6.4. Localization Support
7. CMSAdmin Portlet
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Features
7.2.1. Viewing Directories
7.2.2. Viewing File Properties
7.2.3. Copying Files/Directories
7.2.4. Moving Files/Directories
7.2.5. Deleting Files/Directories
7.2.6. Creating Directories
7.2.7. Creating Text/HTML Files
7.2.8. Uploading Files
7.2.9. Uploading Archives
7.2.10. Editing Text/HTML Files
8. User and Role Administration
8.1. User Portlet
8.2. Role Portlet
9. Forums Portlet
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Functionalities
9.3. Installation
9.4. Configuration
9.5. Security
10. Security
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Securing Portlets
10.3. Securing Portlet Instances
10.4. Securing Portlet Windows
10.5. Securing Pages
10.6. Securing Portals
11. Clustering Configuration
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Configuring from Source
11.3. Configuring from Binary
12. Troubleshooting and FAQ
12.1. Troubleshooting and FAQ