The concept of dynamicity is that all portal objects are able to dynamically be modified at runtime,
eliminating the need to struggle with large xml files, or restarting the application server for changes to take
effect. In the scope of dynamicity, Portal objects are defined and can be altered as follows:
Portal Instances: Multiple Portal instances can be launched at any time, secured, and skinned.
- Pages: Multiple pages, composed of windows, can coexist inside a portal instance, secured and each
could have its own theme applied, if desired.
- Portlets: Can be hot-deployed and will instantly register with the portal, appearing in the
management portlet.
- Portlet Instances: Instances can be created/destroyed. Their preference variables can be modified
at runtime, instances assigned to windows and secured.
- Windows: Windows can be secured, created/destroyed, and assigned to specific pages.
- Themes/Layouts: Can be hot-deployed and will register with the portal, appearing the management
portlet, allowing for dynamic customization of any of the above components.
Dynamicity and our new consolidated deployment descriptor work hand-in-hand. Portal objects are all considered
branches to the root portal context, and within our new deployment descriptor all branches (and leaves) can be
Dynamicity allows an administrator to manage the entire portal deployment from within
a portlet. Some of the many tasks available to administrators are:
- Create/Destroy portal instances.
- Create/Destroy portlet instances.
- Create/Destroy portal pages and subpages.
- Assign pages to portal instances.
- Assign portlet instances to pages.
- Modify instance variables for portlets.
- Control the order and region in which portlets appear on a page.
- Modify the theme and/or layout for a portal instance or a specific page.
- Modify the security constraints for a portal instance or a specific
For the remainder of this chapter, the term
will be used to mean any Portal, Page, Portlet, or Window.
5.3. Managing portal instances
Administrators may manage the portal, pages, subpages, and windows at any time, by
clicking on the "Portal" tab at the top of the Management Portlet. The components
currently deployed in the portal container are displayed in a tree-structure for
ease-of-navigation and modification.
5.3.1. Creating portal pages
By selecting a portal instance, and then selecting the
option, you can create a new page. Simply assign a name
to a page and submit the form.
5.3.2. Securing the portal instance
Selecting the
option, allows an administrator to
secure the portal instance. On this screen, you can select and unselect portal-wide
security settings for a given role.
5.3.3. Modifying the portal instance appearance
Selecting the
option, allows an administrator to modify
the look-and-feel for the chosen portal instance.
5.4. Managing portlets and portlet instances
5.4.1. Creating portlet instances
Clicking on the
tab and then clicking on a specific
portlet allows you to create a new instance of this portlet.
5.4.2. Modifying portlet instance preferences
Clicking on the
tab and selecting a portlet
instance, displays a screen which allows an administrator to edit the portlet
instance preferences.
Selecting the
option, allows an administrator to
secure the portal page.
Depending on whether you are securing a portlet or an instance, keep in mind that
instance security constraints take precedence over portlet security settings.5.4.4. Modifying portlet window appearance
Selecting a portal window under the
tab, and selecting
option, allows an administrator to modify the
look-and-feel for the chosen portal page.
From this screen, an administrator can elect to set all values to
so the portlet window is displayed with no
decorations and appears to be part of the layout.
5.5. Managing portal pages
5.5.1. Creating portlet windows
Selecting a portal page, allows you to
the order in
which windows appear and the layout column in which they will appear. Additionally,
you can name and assign portlet instances on the selected page.
5.5.2. Securing portal pages
Selecting the
option, allows an administrator to
secure the portal page. On this screen, you can select and unselect page security
settings for a given role.
5.5.3. Modifying the portal page appearance
Selecting the
option, allows an administrator to modify
the look-and-feel for the chosen portal page.