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org.jboss.portal.security.impl.jacc - JBOSS Portal 2.2 API 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.portal.security.impl.jacc

Class Summary
JaccHelper Helper class for JACC related operations.
JaccPortalPolicyConfigurator The bridging class between the portal policy configurator, and the jacc policy enforcement.
JaccPortalSubject A JACC based portal subject.
JBossSecurityProviderImpl Security provider service.
PortalJaccPolicy RipOff of the AppServer's DelegatingPolicy.
PortalJaccPolicy.PolicyProxy This proxy wrapper restricts the visible methods to only those from the Policy base class.
PortalPolicyConfiguration Ripoff of the appserver's factory.
PortalPolicyConfigurationFactory Ripoff of the appserver's factory.
PortalPolicyServiceImpl MBean to allow access to the policy service and the policy implied.