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Uses of Interface org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.TimedObjectInvoker (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TimedObjectInvoker

Uses of TimedObjectInvoker in org.jboss.ejb.txtimer

Classes in org.jboss.ejb.txtimer that implement TimedObjectInvoker
 class TimedObjectInvokerImpl
          An implementation of a TimedObjectInvoker, that can invoke deployed EB, SLSB, and MDB

Methods in org.jboss.ejb.txtimer that return TimedObjectInvoker
 TimedObjectInvoker TimerServiceImpl.getTimedObjectInvoker()
          Get the TimedObjectInvoker associated with this TimerService

Methods in org.jboss.ejb.txtimer with parameters of type TimedObjectInvoker
 void FixedDelayRetryPolicyMBean.retryTimeout(TimedObjectInvoker invoker, javax.ejb.Timer timer)
          Invokes the ejbTimeout method on the TimedObject with the given id.
 void RetryPolicy.retryTimeout(TimedObjectInvoker invoker, javax.ejb.Timer timer)
          Invokes the ejbTimeout method on the TimedObject with the given id.
 void FixedDelayRetryPolicy.retryTimeout(TimedObjectInvoker invoker, javax.ejb.Timer timer)
          Invokes the ejbTimeout method on the TimedObject with the given id.
 javax.ejb.TimerService EJBTimerServiceLocator.MBeanDelegate.createTimerService(javax.management.ObjectName containerId, Object instancePk, TimedObjectInvoker invoker)
 javax.ejb.TimerService EJBTimerServiceImpl.createTimerService(javax.management.ObjectName containerId, Object instancePk, TimedObjectInvoker invoker)
          Create a TimerService for a given TimedObjectId that is invoked through the given invoker
 javax.ejb.TimerService EJBTimerService.createTimerService(javax.management.ObjectName containerId, Object pKey, TimedObjectInvoker invoker)
          Create a TimerService for a given TimedObjectId that is invoked through the given invoker

Constructors in org.jboss.ejb.txtimer with parameters of type TimedObjectInvoker
TimerServiceImpl(TimedObjectId timedObjectId, TimedObjectInvoker timedObjectInvoker)
          Create a Timer service for the given TimedObject

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