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org.jboss.ejb.txtimer (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 4.0.1 sp1 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.ejb.txtimer

Interface Summary
DatabasePersistencePlugin An implementation of of this interface provides database specific JDBC access that is not portable accros RDBMS systems.
DatabasePersistencePolicyMBean MBean interface.
EJBTimerService A service that implements this interface provides an Tx aware EJBTimerService.
EJBTimerServiceImplMBean MBean interface.
FixedDelayRetryPolicyMBean MBean interface.
NoopPersistencePolicyMBean MBean interface.
PersistencePolicy Timers are persistent objects.
RetryPolicy An implementation can retry the invocation of the ejbTimeout method on a TimedObject.
TimedObjectInvoker An implementation can invoke the ejbTimeout method on a TimedObject.
TimerIdGenerator An implemenation of the interface provides a timer ids.

Class Summary
BigIntegerTimerIdGenerator A timerId generator that uses a BigInteger count.
DatabasePersistencePolicy This service implements a PersistencePolicy that persistes the timer to a database.
EJBTimerServiceImpl A service that implements this interface provides an Tx aware EJBTimerService.
EJBTimerServiceLocator Locates the EJBTimerService, either as MBean or as local instance.
EJBTimerServiceLocator.MBeanDelegate Delegates method calls to the EJBTimerService to the MBean server
FixedDelayRetryPolicy This service implements a RetryPolicy that retries the call to ejbTimeout after a fixed delay.
GeneralPurposeDatabasePersistencePlugin This DatabasePersistencePlugin uses getBytes/setBytes to persist the serializable objects associated with the timer.
NoopPersistencePolicy This service implements a PersistencePolicy that does not persist the timer.
OracleDatabasePersistencePlugin This DatabasePersistencePlugin uses getBinaryStream/setBinaryStream to persist the serializable objects associated with the timer.
SecurityActions A collection of privileged actions for this package
TimedObjectId The combined TimedObjectId consists of a String that identifies the "class" of the TimedObject and optionally an instance primary key object.
TimedObjectInvokerImpl An implementation of a TimedObjectInvoker, that can invoke deployed EB, SLSB, and MDB
TimerHandleImpl An implementation of the TimerHandle
TimerImpl An implementation of an EJB Timer.
TimerServiceImpl The TimerService provides enterprise bean components with access to the container-provided Timer Service.

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