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BridgeInvalidationSubscription (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Interface BridgeInvalidationSubscription

public interface BridgeInvalidationSubscription

Every bridge subscribing to a InvalidationManager has access to this interface that it can used to invalidate messages on the local IM.

$Revision: $


21 septembre 2002 Sacha Labourey:

  • First implementation
See Also:
InvalidationManagerMBean, InvalidationBridgeListener

Method Summary
 void batchInvalidate(BatchInvalidation[] invalidations)
          Invalidates a set of keys in a set of InvalidationGroup.
 void invalidate(String invalidationGroupName, Serializable key)
          Used to invalidate a single key in a given InvalidationGroup
 void invalidate(String invalidationGroupName, Serializable[] keys)
          Invalidate a set of keys in a give InvalidationGRoup
 void invalidateAll(String groupName)
          Invalidate all the entries in the specified group
 void unregister()
          Unregister the current bridge form the InvalidationManager

Method Detail


public void invalidate(String invalidationGroupName,
                       Serializable key)
Used to invalidate a single key in a given InvalidationGroup

invalidationGroupName - Name of the InvalidationGroup for which this invalidation is targeted
key - Key to be invalidated


public void invalidate(String invalidationGroupName,
                       Serializable[] keys)
Invalidate a set of keys in a give InvalidationGRoup

invalidationGroupName - Name of the InvalidationGroup to which is targeted this invalidation
keys - Keys to be invalidated


public void invalidateAll(String groupName)
Invalidate all the entries in the specified group

groupName -


public void batchInvalidate(BatchInvalidation[] invalidations)
Invalidates a set of keys in a set of InvalidationGroup. It is the responsability of the InvalidationManager to determine which IG are actually present i.e. the bridge may transmit BatchInvalidation for IG that are not present locally. The IM will simply ignore them.

invalidations - Invalidations to be performed on the local IM instance


public void unregister()
Unregister the current bridge form the InvalidationManager

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