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InvalidationBridgeListener (JBoss Server API) - JBoss 3.2.7 server API Documentation 英文版文档

Interface InvalidationBridgeListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InvalidationBridgeListener

InvalidationManager (IM) represents locally managed caches and invaliders. To be able to do distributed invalidations, it is necessary to bridge these IM to forward cache invalidation messages. The InvalidationBridgeListener provides the way for any transport mechanism to be used to forward cache invalidation messages accross a network/cluster.

$Revision: $


24 septembre 2002 Sacha Labourey:

  • First implementation
Sacha Labourey.
See Also:

Method Summary
 void batchInvalidate(BatchInvalidation[] invalidations, boolean asynchronous)
          Called when a set of invalidations, concerning more than one IG, should be forwarded accross the bridge.
 void groupIsDropped(String groupInvalidationName)
          Called when an InvocationGroup is dropped (because no cache and invalider are using it anymore).
 void invalidate(String invalidationGroupName, Serializable[] keys, boolean asynchronous)
          Called when a set of invalidations, concerning a single IG, should be forwarded accross the bridge.
 void invalidate(String invalidationGroupName, Serializable key, boolean asynchronous)
          Called when a single invalidation, concerning a single IG, should be forwarded accross the bridge.
 void invalidateAll(String groupName, boolean asynchronous)
          Issues invalidate all event to other nodes.
 void newGroupCreated(String groupInvalidationName)
          Called when an InvocationGroup is created.

Method Detail


public void batchInvalidate(BatchInvalidation[] invalidations,
                            boolean asynchronous)
Called when a set of invalidations, concerning more than one IG, should be forwarded accross the bridge. It is the bridge responsability to determine: - which IG must be bridged (some IG may not exist on other nodes, in this case the bridge may decide to drop these invalidations messages to reduce the serialization cost and network usage) - to which other nodes the invalidations must be communicated. This can be done by any mean (automatic discovery, configuration file, etc.)

invalidations - BatchInvalidation messages containing invalidations
asynchronous - Determine the best-effort indication to be used to communicate invalidations


public void invalidate(String invalidationGroupName,
                       Serializable key,
                       boolean asynchronous)
Called when a single invalidation, concerning a single IG, should be forwarded accross the bridge. It is the bridge responsability to determine: - which IG must be bridged (some IG may not exist on other nodes, in this case the bridge may decide to drop these invalidations messages to reduce the serialization cost and network usage) - to which other nodes the invalidations must be communicated. This can be done by any mean (automatic discovery, configuration file, etc.)

invalidationGroupName - InvalidationGroup name
key - Key to be invalidated
asynchronous - Best effort communication setting


public void invalidate(String invalidationGroupName,
                       Serializable[] keys,
                       boolean asynchronous)
Called when a set of invalidations, concerning a single IG, should be forwarded accross the bridge. It is the bridge responsability to determine: - which IG must be bridged (some IG may not exist on other nodes, in this case the bridge may decide to drop these invalidations messages to reduce the serialization cost and network usage) - to which other nodes the invalidations must be communicated. This can be done by any mean (automatic discovery, configuration file, etc.)

invalidationGroupName - Name of the InvalidationGroup to which is linked the invalidation message
keys - Keys to be invalidated
asynchronous - Best effort communication setting


public void invalidateAll(String groupName,
                          boolean asynchronous)
Issues invalidate all event to other nodes.

groupName - group's name
asynchronous - mode


public void groupIsDropped(String groupInvalidationName)
Called when an InvocationGroup is dropped (because no cache and invalider are using it anymore). For bridge implementations that automatically discover which IG should be bridged, this callback can be used to communicate to the other nodes that this node is no more interested in invalidation for this group.

groupInvalidationName - Name of the InvalidationGroup being dropped


public void newGroupCreated(String groupInvalidationName)
Called when an InvocationGroup is created. For bridge implementations that automatically discover which IG should be bridged, this callback can be used to communicate to the other nodes that this node is now interested in invalidation for this group.

groupInvalidationName - Name of the InvalidationGroup just being created

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