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Uses of Class org.jboss.mq.pm.Tx (JBoss Messaging API) - JBoss 3.2.7 messaging API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use Tx

Uses of Tx in org.jboss.mq.pm

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm that return Tx
 Tx TxManager.getPrepared(ConnectionToken dc, Object xid)
          Return the local transaction id for a distributed transaction id.
 Tx TxManager.createTx()
          Create and return a unique transaction id.
 Tx TxManager.createTx(ConnectionToken dc, Object xid)
          Create and return a unique transaction id.
 Tx PersistenceManager.createPersistentTx()
          Create and return a unique transaction id.

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm with parameters of type Tx
 void TxManager.commitTx(Tx txId)
          Commit the transaction to the persistent store.
 void TxManager.addPostCommitTask(Tx txId, Runnable task)
          Add an operation for after a commit
 void TxManager.rollbackTx(Tx txId)
          Rollback the transaction.
 void TxManager.addPostRollbackTask(Tx txId, Runnable task)
          Add an operation for after a rollback
 int Tx.compareTo(Tx anotherLong)
 void PersistenceManager.commitPersistentTx(Tx txId)
          Commit the transaction to the persistent store.
 void PersistenceManager.rollbackPersistentTx(Tx txId)
          Rollback the transaction.
 void PersistenceManager.add(MessageReference message, Tx txId)
          Add a message to the persistent store.
 void PersistenceManager.update(MessageReference message, Tx txId)
          Update message in the persistent store.
 void PersistenceManager.remove(MessageReference message, Tx txId)
          Remove message from the persistent store.

Uses of Tx in org.jboss.mq.pm.file

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.file that return Tx
 Tx PersistenceManager.createPersistentTx()
          #Description of the Method

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.file with parameters of type Tx
 void PersistenceManager.add(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)
          #Description of the Method
 void PersistenceManager.commitPersistentTx(Tx txId)
          #Description of the Method
 void PersistenceManager.remove(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)
          #Description of the Method
 void PersistenceManager.update(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)
          #Description of the Method
 void PersistenceManager.rollbackPersistentTx(Tx txId)
          #Description of the Method
protected  File PersistenceManager.createTxFile(Tx txId)
 void MessageLog.add(MessageReference messageRef, Tx transactionId)
 void MessageLog.finishAdd(MessageReference message, Tx transactionId)
 void MessageLog.finishRemove(MessageReference messageRef, Tx transactionId)
 void MessageLog.remove(SpyMessage message, Tx transactionId)
 void MessageLog.update(MessageReference messageRef, Tx transactionId)
 void MessageLog.finishUpdate(MessageReference messageRef, Tx transactionId)
 void MessageLog.undoAdd(MessageReference messageRef, Tx transactionId)
 void MessageLog.undoRemove(MessageReference message, Tx transactionId)

Uses of Tx in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc2

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc2 that return Tx
 Tx PersistenceManager.createPersistentTx()

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc2 with parameters of type Tx
 void PersistenceManager.commitPersistentTx(Tx txId)
 void PersistenceManager.removeMarkedMessages(Connection c, Tx txid, String mark)
 void PersistenceManager.rollbackPersistentTx(Tx txId)
 void PersistenceManager.insertPersistentTx(org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc2.PersistenceManager.TransactionManagerStrategy tms, Connection c, Tx tx)
 void PersistenceManager.add(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)
protected  void PersistenceManager.add(Connection c, String queue, SpyMessage message, Tx txId, String mark)
 void PersistenceManager.markMessage(Connection c, long messageid, String destination, Tx txId, String mark)
 void PersistenceManager.update(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)
 void PersistenceManager.remove(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)

Uses of Tx in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3 that return Tx
 Tx PersistenceManager.createPersistentTx()

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3 with parameters of type Tx
 void PersistenceManager.commitPersistentTx(Tx txId)
 void PersistenceManager.rollbackPersistentTx(Tx txId)
 void PersistenceManager.add(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)
 void PersistenceManager.update(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)
 void PersistenceManager.remove(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)
protected  void PersistenceManager.addMessage(Connection c, String queue, SpyMessage message, Tx txId, String mark, String lateClone)
          Add a message
protected  void PersistenceManager.addReference(Connection c, String queue, MessageReference message, Tx txId, String mark)
          Add a reference
protected  void PersistenceManager.removeMarkedMessages(Connection c, Tx txid, String mark)
          Remove messages for a given transaction and mark
protected  void PersistenceManager.removeMarkedReferences(Connection c, Tx txid, String mark)
          Remove references for a given transaction and mark

Uses of Tx in org.jboss.mq.pm.none

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.none that return Tx
 Tx PersistenceManager.createPersistentTx()

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.none with parameters of type Tx
 void PersistenceManager.add(MessageReference message, Tx txId)
 void PersistenceManager.commitPersistentTx(Tx txId)
 void PersistenceManager.remove(MessageReference message, Tx txId)
 void PersistenceManager.rollbackPersistentTx(Tx txId)
 void PersistenceManager.update(MessageReference message, Tx txId)

Uses of Tx in org.jboss.mq.pm.rollinglogged

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.rollinglogged that return Tx
 Tx PersistenceManager.createPersistentTx()
          #Description of the Method
protected  Tx PersistenceManager.getTx(long value)

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.rollinglogged with parameters of type Tx
 void SpyTxLog.commitTx(Tx id)
 void SpyTxLog.rollbackTx(Tx txId)
 void SpyMessageLog.add(SpyMessage message, Tx transactionId)
 void SpyMessageLog.remove(SpyMessage message, Tx transactionId)
 void SpyMessageLog.update(SpyMessage message, Tx transactionId)
 void PersistenceManager.add(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)
          #Description of the Method
 void PersistenceManager.commitPersistentTx(Tx txId)
          #Description of the Method
 void PersistenceManager.remove(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)
          #Description of the Method
 void PersistenceManager.update(MessageReference messageRef, Tx txId)
          Update a message
 void PersistenceManager.rollbackPersistentTx(Tx txId)
          #Description of the Method
protected  org.jboss.mq.pm.rollinglogged.PersistenceManager.TxInfo PersistenceManager.getTxInfo(Tx txId, SpyTxLog txLog)
protected  void PersistenceManager.releaseTx(Tx tx)
 void IntegrityLog.addTx(Tx tx)

Uses of Tx in org.jboss.mq.server

Methods in org.jboss.mq.server with parameters of type Tx
 void SelectorPersistentQueue.addMessage(MessageReference mesRef, Tx txId)
          Filters the message with the selector before adding to the queue
 void PersistentQueue.addMessage(MessageReference mesRef, Tx txId)
 void JMSTopic.acknowledge(AcknowledgementRequest req, Subscription sub, Tx txId)
 void JMSTopic.addMessage(SpyMessage message, Tx txId)
 void JMSQueue.acknowledge(AcknowledgementRequest req, Subscription sub, Tx txId)
 void JMSQueue.addMessage(SpyMessage mes, Tx txId)
 void JMSDestinationManager.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage val, Tx txId)
          Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the JMSServer object
 void JMSDestinationManager.acknowledge(ConnectionToken dc, AcknowledgementRequest item, Tx txId)
          #Description of the Method
abstract  void JMSDestination.acknowledge(AcknowledgementRequest req, Subscription sub, Tx txId)
abstract  void JMSDestination.addMessage(SpyMessage mes, Tx txId)
 void ExclusiveQueue.addMessage(MessageReference mesRef, Tx txId)
 void ClientConsumer.acknowledge(AcknowledgementRequest request, Tx txId)
 void BasicQueue.addMessage(MessageReference mes, Tx txId)
          Add a message to the queue
 void BasicQueue.acknowledge(AcknowledgementRequest item, Tx txId)
          Acknowledge a message
protected  void BasicQueue.dropMessage(MessageReference message, Tx txid)
          Remove a message

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