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org.jboss.mq.server (JBoss Messaging API) - JBoss 3.2.7 messaging API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.mq.server

Interface Summary
JMSServerInterceptor Interceptor interface for clients IL accessing the JMSServer.
MessageCacheMBean MBean interface.
Receivers Interface to be implemented by a receivers implementation.

Class Summary
BasicQueue This class represents a queue which provides it's messages exclusively to one consumer at a time.
BasicQueueParameters Parameters controlling a basic queue
ClientConsumer This represent the clients queue which consumes messages from the destinations on the provider.
ClientMonitorInterceptor A pass through Interceptor, which keeps track of when a client was last active.
ClientReconnectInterceptor The JMS spec does not let a second client with the same clientID connect to the server.
ExclusiveQueue This class implements a basic queue with an exclusive subscription.
JMSDestination This class is a message queue which is stored (hashed by Destination) on the JMS provider
JMSDestinationManager This class implements the JMS provider
JMSQueue This class is a message queue which is stored (hashed by Destination) on the JMS provider
JMSServerInterceptorSupport A pass through JMSServerInvoker.
JMSServerInvoker A pass through JMSServerInvoker.
JMSTopic This class is a message queue which is stored (hashed by Destination) on the JMS provider
MessageCache This class implements a Message cache so that larger amounts of messages can be processed without running out of memory.
MessageCounter This class stores message count informations for a given queue
MessageReference This class holds a reference to an actual Message.
NonPersistentInterceptor Makes all messages Non Persistent
PersistentQueue This class implements a persistent version of the basic queue.
ReceiversImpl The default implementation of the Receivers interface.
ReceiversImplArrayList The default implementation of the Receivers interface.
ReceiversImplLinkedList The default implementation of the Receivers interface.
RoutedMessage This class contians all the data needed to perform a JMS transaction
SelectorPersistentQueue This class adds a selector to a persistent queue.
TracingInterceptor A pass through Interceptor, wich will trace all calls.

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