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Uses of Class org.jboss.mq.SpyMessage (JBoss Messaging API) - JBoss 3.2.7 messaging API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use SpyMessage

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq

Subclasses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq
 class SpyBytesMessage
          This class implements javax.jms.BytesMessage
 class SpyEncapsulatedMessage
          This Message class is used to send a non 'provider-optimized Message' over the network [4.4.5]
 class SpyMapMessage
          This class implements javax.jms.MapMessage
 class SpyObjectMessage
          This class implements javax.jms.ObjectMessage
 class SpyStreamMessage
          This class implements javax.jms.StreamMessage
 class SpyTextMessage
          This class implements javax.jms.TextMessage

Fields in org.jboss.mq declared as SpyMessage
 SpyMessage[] TransactionRequest.messages
          messages sent in the transaction
 SpyMessage ReceiveRequest.message
          The message

Methods in org.jboss.mq that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage SpyTextMessage.myClone()
 SpyMessage SpyStreamMessage.myClone()
 SpyMessage SpyObjectMessage.myClone()
protected  SpyMessage SpyMessageProducer.encapsulateMessage(javax.jms.Message message)
static SpyMessage SpyMessage.readMessage(ObjectInput in)
          Read a message
 SpyMessage SpyMessage.myClone()
          Clone the message
 SpyMessage SpyMapMessage.myClone()
 SpyMessage SpyEncapsulatedMessage.myClone()
 SpyMessage SpyBytesMessage.myClone()
static SpyMessage MessagePool.getMessage()
          Gets a message

Methods in org.jboss.mq with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void SpyXAResourceManager.ackMessage(Object xid, SpyMessage msg)
          Acknowledge a message
 void SpyXAResourceManager.addMessage(Object xid, SpyMessage msg)
 void SpyMessageConsumer.addMessage(SpyMessage message)
          Add a message
protected  void SpyMessageConsumer.sessionConsumerProcessMessage(SpyMessage message)
static void SpyMessage.writeMessage(SpyMessage message, ObjectOutput out)
          Write a message
 void SpyMessage.copyProps(SpyMessage original)
          Copy the properties
 void SpyConsumer.addMessage(SpyMessage mes)
          A ConnectionReceiver uses this method to load a Consumer with a message
 void SpyConnectionConsumer.addMessage(SpyMessage mes)
          Add a message
static void MessagePool.releaseMessage(SpyMessage message)
          Releases a SpyMessage.

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.il

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage[] ServerIL.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage ServerIL.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          Get a message synchronously.
 SpyMessage[] Invoker.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage Invoker.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void ServerIL.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage message)
          Adds a message to the destination specifyed in the message.
 void Invoker.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage message)
          Add the message to the destination.

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.il.http

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.http that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage[] HTTPServerIL.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
 SpyMessage HTTPServerIL.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.http with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void HTTPServerIL.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage message)

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.il.jvm

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.jvm that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage[] JVMServerIL.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage JVMServerIL.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.jvm with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void JVMServerIL.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage val)
          Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the JVMServerIL object

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.il.oil

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.oil that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage[] OILServerIL.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage OILServerIL.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.oil with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void OILServerIL.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage val)
          Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the OILServerIL object

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.il.oil2

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.oil2 that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage[] OIL2ServerIL.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage OIL2ServerIL.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.oil2 with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void OIL2ServerIL.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage val)
          Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the OILServerIL object

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.il.rmi

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.rmi that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage[] RMIServerIL.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage RMIServerIL.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.rmi with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void RMIServerIL.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage val)
          Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the RMIServerIL object

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.il.uil

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.uil that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage[] UILServerIL.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage UILServerIL.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.uil with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void UILServerIL.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage val)
          Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the UILServerIL object

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.il.uil2

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.uil2 that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage[] UILServerIL.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage UILServerIL.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.uil2 with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void UILServerIL.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage val)
          Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the UILServerIL object

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.il.uil2.msgs

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.uil2.msgs that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage ReceiveMsg.getMessage()
 SpyMessage[] BrowseMsg.getMessages()
 SpyMessage AddMsg.getMsg()

Methods in org.jboss.mq.il.uil2.msgs with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void ReceiveMsg.setMessage(SpyMessage msg)
 void BrowseMsg.setMessages(SpyMessage[] msgs)

Constructors in org.jboss.mq.il.uil2.msgs with parameters of type SpyMessage
AddMsg(SpyMessage msg)

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.pm

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage CacheStore.loadFromStorage(MessageReference mh)
          Reads the message refered to by the MessagReference back as a SpyMessage

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void NewPersistenceManager.addMessage(SpyMessage message)
          Persist the message
 void CacheStore.saveToStorage(MessageReference mh, SpyMessage message)
          Stores the given message to secondary storeage.

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.pm.file

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.file that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage CacheStore.loadFromStorage(MessageReference mh)

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.file with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void MessageLog.remove(SpyMessage message, Tx transactionId)
protected  void MessageLog.writeMessageToFile(SpyMessage message, File file)
 void CacheStore.saveToStorage(MessageReference mh, SpyMessage message)

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc2

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc2 that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage PersistenceManager.loadFromStorage(MessageReference messageRef)

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc2 with parameters of type SpyMessage
protected  void PersistenceManager.add(Connection c, String queue, SpyMessage message, Tx txId, String mark)
 void PersistenceManager.setBlob(PreparedStatement stmt, int column, SpyMessage message)
 void PersistenceManager.saveToStorage(MessageReference messageRef, SpyMessage message)

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3 that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage PersistenceManager.loadFromStorage(MessageReference messageRef)
protected  SpyMessage PersistenceManager.extractMessage(ResultSet rs, int column)
          Extract a message from a result

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.jdbc3 with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void PersistenceManager.addMessage(SpyMessage message)
 void PersistenceManager.saveToStorage(MessageReference messageRef, SpyMessage message)
protected  void PersistenceManager.addMessage(Connection c, String queue, SpyMessage message, Tx txId, String mark, String lateClone)
          Add a message
protected  void PersistenceManager.setBlob(PreparedStatement stmt, int column, SpyMessage message)
          Store the message in a blob

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.pm.none

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.none that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage PersistenceManager.loadFromStorage(MessageReference mh)

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.none with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void PersistenceManager.saveToStorage(MessageReference mh, SpyMessage message)
 void NewPersistenceManager.addMessage(SpyMessage message)

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.pm.rollinglogged

Methods in org.jboss.mq.pm.rollinglogged with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void SpyMessageLog.add(SpyMessage message, Tx transactionId)
 void SpyMessageLog.remove(SpyMessage message, Tx transactionId)
 void SpyMessageLog.update(SpyMessage message, Tx transactionId)
 void IntegrityLog.add(long messageID, boolean isTransacted, long txId, SpyMessage message)
 void IntegrityLog.update(long messageID, boolean isTransacted, long txId, SpyMessage message)

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.security

Methods in org.jboss.mq.security that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage[] ServerSecurityInterceptor.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
 SpyMessage ServerSecurityInterceptor.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)

Methods in org.jboss.mq.security with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void ServerSecurityInterceptor.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage message)

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.selectors

Methods in org.jboss.mq.selectors with parameters of type SpyMessage
 boolean Selector.test(SpyMessage msg)

Uses of SpyMessage in org.jboss.mq.server

Fields in org.jboss.mq.server declared as SpyMessage
 SpyMessage MessageReference.hardReference

Methods in org.jboss.mq.server that return SpyMessage
 SpyMessage[] TracingInterceptor.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage TracingInterceptor.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage MessageReference.getMessageForDelivery()
 SpyMessage MessageReference.getMessage()
 SpyMessage JMSTopic.receive(Subscription sub, boolean wait)
 SpyMessage[] JMSServerInvoker.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage JMSServerInvoker.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage[] JMSServerInterceptorSupport.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage JMSServerInterceptorSupport.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage[] JMSServerInterceptor.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage JMSServerInterceptor.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage[] JMSQueue.browse(String selector)
 SpyMessage JMSQueue.receive(Subscription sub, boolean wait)
 SpyMessage[] JMSDestinationManager.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage JMSDestinationManager.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method
abstract  SpyMessage JMSDestination.receive(Subscription sub, boolean wait)
 SpyMessage[] ClientMonitorInterceptor.browse(ConnectionToken dc, javax.jms.Destination dest, String selector)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage ClientMonitorInterceptor.receive(ConnectionToken dc, int subscriberId, long wait)
          #Description of the Method
 SpyMessage ClientConsumer.receive(int subscriberId, long wait)
 SpyMessage[] BasicQueue.browse(String selector)
          Browse the queue
 SpyMessage BasicQueue.receive(Subscription sub, boolean wait)
          Receive a message from the queue

Methods in org.jboss.mq.server with parameters of type SpyMessage
 void TracingInterceptor.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage message)
          Add the message to the destination.
 void NonPersistentInterceptor.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage message)
protected  void NonPersistentInterceptor.makeNonPersistent(SpyMessage message)
          Overrides the message to be Non Persistent
 MessageReference MessageCache.add(SpyMessage message)
          Adds a message to the cache
 MessageReference MessageCache.add(SpyMessage message, BasicQueue queue, int stored)
          Adds a message to the cache.
 MessageReference MessageCache.add(SpyMessage message, BasicQueue queue, int stored, DurableSubscriptionID id)
          Adds a message to the cache.
 MessageReference MessageCache.addInternal(SpyMessage message, BasicQueue queue, int stored, DurableSubscriptionID id)
          Adds a message to the cache.
 void JMSTopic.restoreMessage(SpyMessage message)
 void JMSTopic.restoreMessage(SpyMessage message, DurableSubscriptionID id)
 void JMSTopic.addMessage(SpyMessage message, Tx txId)
 void JMSServerInvoker.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage message)
          Add the message to the destination.
 void JMSServerInterceptorSupport.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage message)
          Add the message to the destination.
 void JMSServerInterceptor.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage message)
          Add the message to the destination.
 void JMSQueue.restoreMessage(SpyMessage message)
 void JMSQueue.addMessage(SpyMessage mes, Tx txId)
 void JMSDestinationManager.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage val)
          Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the JMSServer object
 void JMSDestinationManager.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage val, Tx txId)
          Adds a feature to the Message attribute of the JMSServer object
abstract  void JMSDestination.restoreMessage(SpyMessage message)
abstract  void JMSDestination.addMessage(SpyMessage mes, Tx txId)
protected static void JMSDestination.updateSharedNextMessageId(SpyMessage message)
protected  void JMSDestination.updateNextMessageId(SpyMessage message)
 void ClientMonitorInterceptor.addMessage(ConnectionToken dc, SpyMessage message)
          Add the message to the destination.

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