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MimeMultipartDataHandlerDeserializer (JAXRPC API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jaxrpc API Documentation 英文版文档

Class MimeMultipartDataHandlerDeserializer

  extended byorg.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
      extended byorg.apache.axis.message.SOAPHandler
          extended byorg.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializerImpl
              extended byorg.apache.axis.encoding.ser.JAFDataHandlerDeserializer
                  extended byorg.apache.axis.encoding.ser.MimeMultipartDataHandlerDeserializer
All Implemented Interfaces:
Callback, ContentHandler, javax.xml.rpc.encoding.Deserializer, Deserializer, DTDHandler, EntityResolver, ErrorHandler, Serializable

public class MimeMultipartDataHandlerDeserializer
extends JAFDataHandlerDeserializer

MimeMultipartDataHandler Deserializer

Russell Butek (butek@us.ibm.com)
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializerImpl
defaultType, id, isEnded, isHref, isNil, targets, value
Fields inherited from class org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHandler
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void startElement(String namespace, String localName, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
          This method is invoked when an element start tag is encountered.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.JAFDataHandlerDeserializer
Methods inherited from class org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializerImpl
addChildDeserializer, componentsReady, endElement, getDefaultType, getMechanismType, getValue, getValue, getValueTargets, moveValueTargets, onEndElement, onStartElement, registerValueTarget, removeValueTargets, setChildValue, setDefaultType, setValue, setValue, valueComplete
Methods inherited from class org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHandler
makeNewElement, onEndChild
Methods inherited from class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
characters, endDocument, endElement, endPrefixMapping, error, fatalError, ignorableWhitespace, notationDecl, processingInstruction, resolveEntity, setDocumentLocator, skippedEntity, startDocument, startElement, startPrefixMapping, unparsedEntityDecl, warning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MimeMultipartDataHandlerDeserializer()
Method Detail


public void startElement(String namespace,
                         String localName,
                         String prefix,
                         Attributes attributes,
                         DeserializationContext context)
                  throws SAXException
Description copied from class: DeserializerImpl
This method is invoked when an element start tag is encountered. DeserializerImpl provides default behavior, which involves the following: - directly handling the deserialization of a nill value - handling the registration of the id value. - handling the registration of a fixup if this element is an href. - calling onStartElement to do the actual deserialization if not nill or href cases.

Specified by:
startElement in interface Deserializer
startElement in class JAFDataHandlerDeserializer

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