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DeserializerImpl (JAXRPC API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jaxrpc API Documentation 英文版文档

Class DeserializerImpl

  extended byorg.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
      extended byorg.apache.axis.message.SOAPHandler
          extended byorg.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Callback, ContentHandler, javax.xml.rpc.encoding.Deserializer, Deserializer, DTDHandler, EntityResolver, ErrorHandler, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ArrayDeserializer, Base64Deserializer, BeanDeserializer, DocumentDeserializer, ElementDeserializer, HexDeserializer, JAFDataHandlerDeserializer, ListDeserializer, MapDeserializer, SimpleDeserializer, VectorDeserializer

public class DeserializerImpl
extends SOAPHandler
implements javax.xml.rpc.encoding.Deserializer, Deserializer, Callback

The Deserializer base class.

Glen Daniels (gdaniels@allaire.com) Re-architected for JAX-RPC Compliance by, Rich Scheuerle (sche@us.ibm.com)
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  javax.xml.namespace.QName defaultType
protected  String id
protected  boolean isEnded
protected  boolean isHref
protected  boolean isNil
protected  Vector targets
protected  Object value
Fields inherited from class org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHandler
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addChildDeserializer(Deserializer dSer)
 boolean componentsReady()
          Some deserializers (ArrayDeserializer) require all of the component values to be known before the value is complete.
 void endElement(String namespace, String localName, DeserializationContext context)
          endElement is called when the end element tag is reached.
 javax.xml.namespace.QName getDefaultType()
 String getMechanismType()
          JAX-RPC compliant method which returns mechanism type.
 Object getValue()
          Get the deserialized value.
 Object getValue(Object hint)
          If the deserializer has component values (like ArrayDeserializer) this method gets the specific component via the hint.
 Vector getValueTargets()
          Get the Value Targets of the Deserializer.
 void moveValueTargets(Deserializer other)
          Move someone else's targets to our own (see DeserializationContext)

The DeserializationContext only allows one Deserializer to wait for a unknown multi-ref'ed value.

 void onEndElement(String namespace, String localName, DeserializationContext context)
          onEndElement is called by endElement.
 SOAPHandler onStartChild(String namespace, String localName, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
          onStartChild is called on each child element.
 void onStartElement(String namespace, String localName, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
          This method is invoked after startElement when the element requires deserialization (i.e.
 void registerValueTarget(Target target)
          For deserializers of non-primitives, the value may not be known until later (due to multi-referencing).
 void removeValueTargets()
          Remove the Value Targets of the Deserializer.
 void setChildValue(Object value, Object hint)
          If the deserializer has component values (like ArrayDeserializer) this method sets the specific component via the hint.
 void setDefaultType(javax.xml.namespace.QName qName)
          In some circumstances an element may not have a type attribute, but a default type qname is known from information in the container.
 void setValue(Object value)
          Set the deserialized value.
 void setValue(Object value, Object hint)
 void startElement(String namespace, String localName, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context)
          This method is invoked when an element start tag is encountered.
 void valueComplete()
          The valueComplete() method is invoked when the end tag of the element is read.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHandler
makeNewElement, onEndChild
Methods inherited from class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
characters, endDocument, endElement, endPrefixMapping, error, fatalError, ignorableWhitespace, notationDecl, processingInstruction, resolveEntity, setDocumentLocator, skippedEntity, startDocument, startElement, startPrefixMapping, unparsedEntityDecl, warning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Object value


protected boolean isEnded


protected Vector targets


protected javax.xml.namespace.QName defaultType


protected boolean isHref


protected boolean isNil


protected String id
Constructor Detail


public DeserializerImpl()
Method Detail


public String getMechanismType()
JAX-RPC compliant method which returns mechanism type.

Specified by:
getMechanismType in interface javax.xml.rpc.encoding.Deserializer


public Object getValue()
Get the deserialized value.

Specified by:
getValue in interface Deserializer
Object representing deserialized value or null


public void setValue(Object value)
Set the deserialized value.

Specified by:
setValue in interface Deserializer
value - Object representing deserialized value


public Object getValue(Object hint)
If the deserializer has component values (like ArrayDeserializer) this method gets the specific component via the hint. The default implementation returns null.

Specified by:
getValue in interface Deserializer
Object representing deserialized value or null


public void setChildValue(Object value,
                          Object hint)
                   throws SAXException
If the deserializer has component values (like ArrayDeserializer) this method sets the specific component via the hint. The default implementation does nothing.

Specified by:
setChildValue in interface Deserializer
hint - Object representing deserialized value or null
value - Object representing deserialized value or null


public void setValue(Object value,
                     Object hint)
              throws SAXException
Specified by:
setValue in interface Callback


public void setDefaultType(javax.xml.namespace.QName qName)
In some circumstances an element may not have a type attribute, but a default type qname is known from information in the container. For example, an element of an array may not have a type= attribute, so the default qname is the component type of the array. This method is used to communicate the default type information to the deserializer.

Specified by:
setDefaultType in interface Deserializer


public javax.xml.namespace.QName getDefaultType()
Specified by:
getDefaultType in interface Deserializer


public void registerValueTarget(Target target)
For deserializers of non-primitives, the value may not be known until later (due to multi-referencing). In such cases the deserializer registers Target object(s). When the value is known, the set(value) will be invoked for each Target registered with the Deserializer. The Target object abstracts the function of setting a target with a value. See the Target interface for more info.

Specified by:
registerValueTarget in interface Deserializer
target -


public Vector getValueTargets()
Get the Value Targets of the Deserializer.

Specified by:
getValueTargets in interface Deserializer
Vector of Target objects or null


public void removeValueTargets()
Remove the Value Targets of the Deserializer.

Specified by:
removeValueTargets in interface Deserializer


public void moveValueTargets(Deserializer other)
Move someone else's targets to our own (see DeserializationContext)

The DeserializationContext only allows one Deserializer to wait for a unknown multi-ref'ed value. So to ensure that all of the targets are updated, this method is invoked to copy the Target objects to the waiting Deserializer.

Specified by:
moveValueTargets in interface Deserializer
other - is the Deserializer to copy targets from.


public boolean componentsReady()
Some deserializers (ArrayDeserializer) require all of the component values to be known before the value is complete. (For the ArrayDeserializer this is important because the elements are stored in an ArrayList, and all values must be known before the ArrayList is converted into the expected array.

This routine is used to indicate when the components are ready. The default (true) is useful for most Deserializers.

Specified by:
componentsReady in interface Deserializer


public void valueComplete()
                   throws SAXException
The valueComplete() method is invoked when the end tag of the element is read. This results in the setting of all registered Targets (see registerValueTarget). Note that the valueComplete() only processes the Targets if componentReady() returns true. So if you override componentReady(), then your specific Deserializer will need to call valueComplete() when your components are ready (See ArrayDeserializer)

Specified by:
valueComplete in interface Deserializer


public void addChildDeserializer(Deserializer dSer)


public void startElement(String namespace,
                         String localName,
                         String prefix,
                         Attributes attributes,
                         DeserializationContext context)
                  throws SAXException
This method is invoked when an element start tag is encountered. DeserializerImpl provides default behavior, which involves the following: - directly handling the deserialization of a nill value - handling the registration of the id value. - handling the registration of a fixup if this element is an href. - calling onStartElement to do the actual deserialization if not nill or href cases.

Specified by:
startElement in interface Deserializer
startElement in class SOAPHandler
namespace - is the namespace of the element
localName - is the name of the element
prefix - is the prefix of the element
attributes - are the attributes on the element...used to get the type
context - is the DeserializationContext

Normally a specific Deserializer (FooDeserializer) should extend DeserializerImpl. Here is the flow that will occur in such cases: 1) DeserializerImpl.startElement(...) will be called and do the id/href/nill stuff. 2) If real deserialization needs to take place DeserializerImpl.onStartElement will be invoked, which will attempt to install the specific Deserializer (FooDeserializer) 3) The FooDeserializer.startElement(...) will be called to do the Foo specific stuff. This results in a call to FooDeserializer.onStartElement(...) if startElement was not overridden. 4) The onChildElement(...) method is called for each child element. Nothing occurs if not overridden. The FooDeserializer.onStartChild(...) method should return the deserializer for the child element. 5) When the end tag is reached, the endElement(..) method is invoked. The default behavior is to handle hrefs/ids, call onEndElement and then call the Deserializer valueComplete method.

So the methods that you potentially want to override are: onStartElement, onStartChild, componentsReady, setValue(object, hint) You probably should not override startElement or endElement. If you need specific behaviour at the end of the element consider overriding onEndElement.

See the pre-existing Deserializers for more information.



public void onStartElement(String namespace,
                           String localName,
                           String prefix,
                           Attributes attributes,
                           DeserializationContext context)
                    throws SAXException
This method is invoked after startElement when the element requires deserialization (i.e. the element is not an href and the value is not nil.) DeserializerImpl provides default behavior, which simply involves obtaining a correct Deserializer and plugging its handler.

Specified by:
onStartElement in interface Deserializer
namespace - is the namespace of the element
localName - is the name of the element
prefix - is the prefix of the element
attributes - are the attributes on the element...used to get the type
context - is the DeserializationContext


public SOAPHandler onStartChild(String namespace,
                                String localName,
                                String prefix,
                                Attributes attributes,
                                DeserializationContext context)
                         throws SAXException
onStartChild is called on each child element. The default behavior supplied by DeserializationImpl is to do nothing. A specific deserializer may perform other tasks. For example a BeanDeserializer will construct a deserializer for the indicated property and return it.

Specified by:
onStartChild in interface Deserializer
onStartChild in class SOAPHandler
namespace - is the namespace of the child element
localName - is the local name of the child element
prefix - is the prefix used on the name of the child element
attributes - are the attributes of the child element
context - is the deserialization context.
is a Deserializer to use to deserialize a child (must be a derived class of SOAPHandler) or null if no deserialization should be performed.


public final void endElement(String namespace,
                             String localName,
                             DeserializationContext context)
                      throws SAXException
endElement is called when the end element tag is reached. It handles href/id information for multi-ref processing and invokes the valueComplete() method of the deserializer which sets the targets with the deserialized value.

Specified by:
endElement in interface Deserializer
endElement in class SOAPHandler
namespace - is the namespace of the child element
localName - is the local name of the child element
context - is the deserialization context


public void onEndElement(String namespace,
                         String localName,
                         DeserializationContext context)
                  throws SAXException
onEndElement is called by endElement. It is not called if the element has an href.

Specified by:
onEndElement in interface Deserializer
namespace - is the namespace of the child element
localName - is the local name of the child element
context - is the deserialization context

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