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StateMachine (JBoss/Common API) - JBoss 3.2.7 common API Documentation 英文版文档

Class StateMachine

  extended byorg.jboss.util.CloneableObject
      extended byorg.jboss.util.state.StateMachine
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable

public class StateMachine
extends CloneableObject
implements Serializable

A generalization of a programmable finite-state machine (with a twist).

A state machine is backed up by a StateMachine.Model which simply provides data encapsulation. The machine starts in the initial state, which must not be null. Care must be taken to ensure that the machine state is not corrupted due to invalid modifications of the model. Best to leave the model alone once the machine has been created.

Provides change notification via StateMachine.ChangeListener objects. When a listener throws an exception it will not corrupt the state machine; it may however corrupt any application state which is dependent on the listener mechanism. For this reason listeners should handle exceptions which might be thrown or the client application should handle recovery of such corruption by catching those undeclared exceptions.

State instances which implement StateMachine.Acceptable will be consulted to determine if a state is acceptable. If such a state throws an exception the state of the machine will not change. The exception will be propagated to the client application for processing.

Durring state change events, such as acceptting and resetting, if the previous and/or current state objects implement StateMachine.ChangeListener they will be notified in that order.

State machine is not synchronized. Use makeSynchronized(org.jboss.util.state.StateMachine, java.lang.Object) to make a machine thread safe.

Example of how to program a state machine:

    // Create some states
    State NEW = new State(0, "NEW");
    State INITALIZEING = new State(1, "INITALIZING");
    State INITIALIZED = new State(2, "INITIALIZED");
    State STARTING = new State(3, "STARTING");
    State STARTED = new State(4, "STARTED");
    State FAILED = new State(5, "FAILED");
    // Create a model for the state machine
    StateMachine.Model model = new DefaultStateMachineModel();

    // Add some state mappings
    model.addState(NEW, INITIALIZING);
    model.addState(INITIALIZING, new State[] { INITIALIZED, FAILED });
    model.addState(INITIALIZED, new State[] { STARTING });
    model.addState(STARTING, new State[] { STARTED, FAILED });

    // These states are final (they do not accept any states)

    // Set the initial state

    // Create the machine
    StateMachine machine = new StateMachine(model);

Once you have created a StateMachine instance, using it is simple:

    // Change to the INITIALIZING state

    // Change to the INITIALIZED state
    machine.transition(INITIALIZED); *

    // Try to change to an invalid state:
    try {
       // As programmed, the INITIALIZED state does not accept the NEW
       // state, it only accepts the STARTING state.
    catch (IllegalStateException e) {
       // Do something with the exception; The state of the machine is
       // still INITIALIZED.

    // Transition to a final state

    // Any attempt to transition to any state will fail, the FAILED is
    // a final state, as it does not accept any other states.

    // Reset the machine so we can use it again

    // The state of the machine is now the same as it was when the
    // state machine was first created (short of any added change
    // listeners... they do not reset).

$Revision: 1.5 $
Jason Dillon
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static interface StateMachine.Acceptable
          Provides the interface for dynmaic state acceptability.
static class StateMachine.ChangeEvent
          An event for state change notifications.
static interface StateMachine.ChangeListener
          A listener for state change events.
static interface StateMachine.Model
          Defines the data model required by a StateMachine.
Nested classes inherited from class org.jboss.util.CloneableObject
Field Summary
protected  List changeListeners
          The list of change listeners which are registered.
protected  StateMachine.Model model
          The data model for the machine.
Constructor Summary
StateMachine(StateMachine.Model model)
          Construct a state machine with the given model.
Method Summary
 void addChangeListener(StateMachine.ChangeListener listener)
          Add a state change listener.
protected  StateMachine.ChangeEvent changeState(State state)
          Change the state of the machine and send change events to all listeners and to the previous and new state objects if they implement StateMachine.ChangeListener.
 Set finalStates()
          Return all states which are final.
protected  void fireStateChanged(StateMachine.ChangeEvent event)
          Send a change event to all listeners.
 State getCurrentState()
          Returns the current state of the machine.
 State getInitialState()
          Returns the initial state of the machine.
 StateMachine.Model getModel()
          Return the model which provides data encapsulation for the machine.
 boolean isAcceptable(State state)
          Check if the current state can accept a transition to the given state.
 boolean isCurrentState(State state)
          Check if the given state is the current state.
 boolean isInitialState(State state)
          Check if the given state is the initial state.
 boolean isStateFinal()
          Determine if the current state is final.
 boolean isStateFinal(State state)
          Determine if the given state is final.
static StateMachine makeImmutable(StateMachine machine)
          Return a immutable state machine.
static StateMachine makeImmutable(StateMachine machine, boolean hideModel)
          Return a immutable state machine.
static StateMachine makeSynchronized(StateMachine machine)
          Return a synchronized state machine.
static StateMachine makeSynchronized(StateMachine machine, Object mutex)
          Return a synchronized state machine.
 void removeChangeListener(StateMachine.ChangeListener listener)
          Remove a state change listener.
 void reset()
          Reset the state machine.
 String toString()
          Returns a human readable snapshot of the current state of the machine.
 void transition(State state)
          Attempt to transition into the give state if the current state can accept it.
Methods inherited from class org.jboss.util.CloneableObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final StateMachine.Model model
The data model for the machine.


protected final List changeListeners
The list of change listeners which are registered.

Constructor Detail


public StateMachine(StateMachine.Model model)
Construct a state machine with the given model.

model - The model for the machine; must not be null.
Method Detail


public String toString()
Returns a human readable snapshot of the current state of the machine.


public StateMachine.Model getModel()
Return the model which provides data encapsulation for the machine.

The model for the machine.


public State getCurrentState()
Returns the current state of the machine.

The current state; will not be null.
See Also:
StateMachine.Model.getCurrentState(), getModel()


public State getInitialState()
Returns the initial state of the machine.

The current state; will not be null.
See Also:
StateMachine.Model.getInitialState(), getModel()


public boolean isAcceptable(State state)
Check if the current state can accept a transition to the given state.

If the current state is final or does not list the given state as acceptable, then machine can not make the transition. The only exception to this rule is if the current state implements StateMachine.Acceptable; then the state is asked to determine acceptance. If the state returns false then the acceptable list will be consulted to make the final descision.

The mapped version of the state (not the version passed to accept) will be used to check acceptance.

state - The state check.
True if the given state is acceptable for transition; else false.
IllegalArgumentException - State not found in model.


public void transition(State state)
Attempt to transition into the give state if the current state can accept it.

The mapped version of the state (not the version passed to transition) will be used in the transition.

state - The state to transiiton into.
IllegalStateException - State can not be accepted, current state is final or non-acceptable.


public void reset()
Reset the state machine.

This will transition to the initial state and send change events to all listeners and to all accepting states which implement StateMachine.ChangeListener. Each state will only be notified once.


protected StateMachine.ChangeEvent changeState(State state)
Change the state of the machine and send change events to all listeners and to the previous and new state objects if they implement StateMachine.ChangeListener.


public Set finalStates()
Return all states which are final.

An immutable set of the final states of the machine.
See Also:


public boolean isStateFinal(State state)
Determine if the given state is final.

Determing the finality of states which implement StateMachine.Acceptable is costly.

state - The state to check for finality; must not be null.
True if the state is final; else false.
IllegalArgumentException - State not found in model.


public boolean isStateFinal()
Determine if the current state is final.

True if the state is final; else false.
See Also:


public boolean isCurrentState(State state)
Check if the given state is the current state.

state - The state to check.
True if the state is the current state.


public boolean isInitialState(State state)
Check if the given state is the initial state.

state - The state to check.
True if the state is the initial state.


public void addChangeListener(StateMachine.ChangeListener listener)
Add a state change listener.

listener - The listener to add; must not be null


public void removeChangeListener(StateMachine.ChangeListener listener)
Remove a state change listener.

If the give value is null then this is a non-operation.


protected void fireStateChanged(StateMachine.ChangeEvent event)
Send a change event to all listeners.

Listeners are invoked in the same order which they have been added.

This method (as well as add and remove methods) are protected from concurrent modification exceptions.


public static StateMachine makeSynchronized(StateMachine machine,
                                            Object mutex)
Return a synchronized state machine.

machine - State machine to synchronize; must not be null.
mutex - The object to lock on; null to use returned instance.
Synchronized state machine.


public static StateMachine makeSynchronized(StateMachine machine)
Return a synchronized state machine.

machine - State machine to synchronize; must not be null.
Synchronized state machine.


public static StateMachine makeImmutable(StateMachine machine,
                                         boolean hideModel)
Return a immutable state machine.

Immutable state machines can not be transitioned or reset; methods will throw a UnsupportedOperationException.

If model is not hidden, then users can still mess up the model if they want, thus corrupting the state machine.

machine - State machine to make immutable; must not be null.
hideModel - Make the model inaccessable too.
Immutable state machine with hidden model.


public static StateMachine makeImmutable(StateMachine machine)
Return a immutable state machine.

Immutable state machines can not be transitioned or reset; methods will throw a UnsupportedOperationException.

machine - State machine to make immutable; must not be null.
Immutable state machine.

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