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Uses of Interface org.jboss.util.Executable (JBoss/Common API) - JBoss 3.2.7 common API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Executable
org.jboss.util Utility classes and interfaces. 

Uses of Executable in org.jboss.util

Classes in org.jboss.util that implement Executable
 class TimerTask
          A class that represent a task that can be scheduled for one-shot or repeated execution by a TimerQueue.

Methods in org.jboss.util that return Executable
protected  Executable WorkerQueue.getJob()
          Called by this class, this method checks if the queue is empty; if it is, then waits, else returns the current job.
protected  Executable WorkerQueue.getJobImpl()
          Never call this method, only override in subclasses to perform job getting in a specific way, normally tied to the data structure holding the jobs.
protected  Executable TimerQueue.getJobImpl()

Methods in org.jboss.util with parameters of type Executable
 void WorkerQueue.putJob(Executable job)
          Called by a thread that is not the WorkerQueue thread, this method queues the job and, if necessary, wakes up this worker queue that is waiting in WorkerQueue.getJob().
protected  void WorkerQueue.putJobImpl(Executable job)
          Never call this method, only override in subclasses to perform job adding in a specific way, normally tied to the data structure holding the jobs.
protected  void TimerQueue.putJobImpl(Executable task)

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