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Uses of Class org.jboss.util.CoercionException (JBoss/Common API) - JBoss 3.2.7 common API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use CoercionException
org.jboss.util Utility classes and interfaces. 
org.jboss.util.coerce Object coercion helper classes. 

Uses of CoercionException in org.jboss.util

Subclasses of CoercionException in org.jboss.util
 class NotCoercibleException
          This exception is thrown to indicate that an object was not coercible.

Methods in org.jboss.util that throw CoercionException
static Object Objects.coerce(Object value, Class type)
          Coerce the given value into the specified type.
static Object Objects.coerce(Object[] values, Class type)
          Coerce the given values into the specified type.
 Object Coercible.coerce(Class type)
          Coerce this object into a specified type

Uses of CoercionException in org.jboss.util.coerce

Methods in org.jboss.util.coerce that throw CoercionException
 Object FileHandler.coerce(Object value, Class type)
          Coerces the given value into the given type (which should be File).
abstract  Object CoercionHandler.coerce(Object value, Class type)
          Coerce the given value into the specified type.
 Object ClassHandler.coerce(Object value, Class type)
          Coerces the given value into the given type (which should be Class).
 Object CharacterHandler.coerce(Object value, Class type)
          Coerces the given value into the given type (which should be Character.class).

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