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Java(TM) 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v1.2.2 API Specification: Uses of Interface javax.swing.text.Element - JDK 5 Documentation v1.2.2, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

JavaTM 2 Platform
Standard Edition

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Element
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.event Provides for events fired by Swing components. 
javax.swing.plaf.basic Provides user interface objects built according to the Basic look-and-feel. 
javax.swing.text Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. 
javax.swing.text.html Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes for creating HTML text editors. 

Uses of Element in javax.swing

Constructors in javax.swing with parameters of type Element
JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccessibleHypertextSupport.HTMLLink.JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccessibleHypertextSupport.HTMLLink(Element e)

Uses of Element in javax.swing.event

Methods in javax.swing.event that return Element
 Element DocumentEvent.ElementChange.getElement()
          Returns the element represented.
 Element[] DocumentEvent.ElementChange.getChildrenRemoved()
          Gets the child elements that were removed from the given parent element.
 Element[] DocumentEvent.ElementChange.getChildrenAdded()
          Gets the child elements that were added to the given parent element.

Methods in javax.swing.event with parameters of type Element
 DocumentEvent.ElementChange DocumentEvent.getChange(Element elem)
          Gets the change information for the given element.

Uses of Element in javax.swing.plaf.basic

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.basic with parameters of type Element
 View BasicTextUI.create(Element elem)
          Creates a view for an element.
 View BasicTextUI.create(Element elem, int p0, int p1)
          Creates a view for an element.
 View BasicTextAreaUI.create(Element elem)
          Creates the view for an element.
 View BasicTextFieldUI.create(Element elem)
          Creates a view (FieldView) based on an element.
 View BasicPasswordFieldUI.create(Element elem)
          Creates a view (PasswordView) for an element.

Uses of Element in javax.swing.text

Classes in javax.swing.text that implement Element
 class AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
          Implements the abstract part of an element.
 class AbstractDocument.BranchElement
          Implements a composite element that contains other elements.
 class AbstractDocument.LeafElement
          Implements an element that directly represents content of some kind.
protected  class DefaultStyledDocument.SectionElement
          Default root element for a document...

Fields in javax.swing.text declared as Element
protected  Element DefaultStyledDocument.AttributeUndoableEdit.element

Methods in javax.swing.text that return Element
 Element View.getElement()
          Fetches the structural portion of the subject that this view is mapped to.
 Element StyledEditorKit.getCharacterAttributeRun()
          Fetches the element representing the current run of character attributes for the caret.
 Element Element.getParentElement()
          Fetches the parent element.
 Element Element.getElement(int index)
          Fetches the child element at the given index.
 Element[] AbstractDocument.getRootElements()
          Gets all root elements defined.
abstract  Element AbstractDocument.getDefaultRootElement()
          Returns the root element that views should be based upon unless some other mechanism for assigning views to element structures is provided.
 Element AbstractDocument.getBidiRootElement()
          Returns the root element of the bidirectional structure for this document.
abstract  Element AbstractDocument.getParagraphElement(int pos)
          Get the paragraph element containing the given position.
protected  Element AbstractDocument.createLeafElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a, int p0, int p1)
          Creates a document leaf element.
protected  Element AbstractDocument.createBranchElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a)
          Creates a document branch element, that can contain other elements.
 Element PlainDocument.getDefaultRootElement()
          Gets the default root element for the document model.
 Element PlainDocument.getParagraphElement(int pos)
          Get the paragraph element containing the given position.
 Element StyledDocument.getParagraphElement(int pos)
          Gets the element that represents the paragraph that encloses the given offset within the document.
 Element StyledDocument.getCharacterElement(int pos)
          Gets the element that represents the character that is at the given offset within the document.
 Element ElementIterator.first()
          Fetches the first element.
 Element ElementIterator.current()
          Fetches the current Element.
 Element ElementIterator.next()
          Fetches the next Element.
 Element ElementIterator.previous()
          Fetches the previous Element.
 Element AbstractDocument.AbstractElement.getParentElement()
          Gets the parent of the element.
abstract  Element AbstractDocument.AbstractElement.getElement(int index)
          Gets a child element.
 Element AbstractDocument.BranchElement.positionToElement(int pos)
          Gets the child element that contains the given model position.
 Element AbstractDocument.BranchElement.getElement(int index)
          Gets a child element.
 Element AbstractDocument.LeafElement.getElement(int index)
          Gets a child element.
 Element AbstractDocument.ElementEdit.getElement()
          Returns the underlying element.
 Element[] AbstractDocument.ElementEdit.getChildrenRemoved()
          Gets a list of children that were removed.
 Element[] AbstractDocument.ElementEdit.getChildrenAdded()
          Gets a list of children that were added.
static Element Utilities.getParagraphElement(JTextComponent c, int offs)
          Determines the element to use for a paragraph/line.
 Element DefaultStyledDocument.getDefaultRootElement()
          Gets the default root element.
 Element DefaultStyledDocument.getParagraphElement(int pos)
          Gets a paragraph element.
 Element DefaultStyledDocument.getCharacterElement(int pos)
          Gets a character element based on a position.
 Element DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer.getRootElement()
          Gets the root element.
 Element DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer.clone(Element parent, Element clonee)
          Creates a copy of this element, with a different parent.
 Element[] Document.getRootElements()
          Returns all of the root elements that are defined.
 Element Document.getDefaultRootElement()
          Returns the root element that views should be based upon, unless some other mechanism for assigning views to element structures is provided.

Methods in javax.swing.text with parameters of type Element
 View ViewFactory.create(Element elem)
          Creates a view from the given structural element of a document.
protected  void StyledEditorKit.createInputAttributes(Element element, MutableAttributeSet set)
          Copies the key/values in elements AttributeSet into set.
protected  Element AbstractDocument.createLeafElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a, int p0, int p1)
          Creates a document leaf element.
protected  Element AbstractDocument.createBranchElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a)
          Creates a document branch element, that can contain other elements.
 void AbstractDocument.BranchElement.replace(int offset, int length, Element[] elems)
          Replaces content with a new set of elements.
 DocumentEvent.ElementChange AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent.getChange(Element elem)
          Gets the changes for an element.
 Element DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer.clone(Element parent, Element clonee)
          Creates a copy of this element, with a different parent.
protected  boolean AbstractWriter.inRange(Element next)
          This method determines whether the current element is in the range specified.
protected  String AbstractWriter.getText(Element elem)
          Returns the text associated with the element.
protected  void AbstractWriter.text(Element elem)
          Writes out text.
protected  TableView.TableRow TableView.createTableRow(Element elem)
          Creates a new table row.
protected  TableView.TableCell TableView.createTableCell(Element elem)
          Table cells can now be any arbitrary View implementation and should be produced by the ViewFactory rather than the table.

Constructors in javax.swing.text with parameters of type Element
View.View(Element elem)
          Creates a new View object.
IconView.IconView(Element elem)
          Creates a new icon view that represents an element.
PlainView.PlainView(Element elem)
          Constructs a new PlainView wrapped on an element.
FieldView.FieldView(Element elem)
          Constructs a new FieldView wrapped on an element.
LabelView.LabelView(Element elem)
          Constructs a new view wrapped on an element.
CompositeView.CompositeView(Element elem)
          Constructs a CompositeView for the given element.
BoxView.BoxView(Element elem, int axis)
          Constructs a BoxView.
WrappedPlainView.WrappedPlainView(Element elem)
          Creates a new WrappedPlainView.
WrappedPlainView.WrappedPlainView(Element elem, boolean wordWrap)
          Creates a new WrappedPlainView.
ElementIterator.ElementIterator(Element root)
          Creates a new ElementIterator.
AbstractDocument.AbstractElement.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a)
          Creates a new AbstractElement.
AbstractDocument.BranchElement.AbstractDocument.BranchElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a)
          Constructs a composite element that initially contains no children.
AbstractDocument.LeafElement.AbstractDocument.LeafElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a, int offs0, int offs1)
          Constructs an element that represents content within the document (has no children).
AbstractDocument.ElementEdit.AbstractDocument.ElementEdit(Element e, int index, Element[] removed, Element[] added)
          Constructs an edit record.
PasswordView.PasswordView(Element elem)
          Constructs a new view wrapped on an element.
DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer(Element root)
          Creates a new ElementBuffer.
DefaultStyledDocument.AttributeUndoableEdit.DefaultStyledDocument.AttributeUndoableEdit(Element element, AttributeSet newAttributes, boolean isReplacing)
AbstractWriter.AbstractWriter(Writer w, Element root)
          Creates a new AbstractWriter.
AbstractWriter.AbstractWriter(Writer w, Element root, int pos, int len)
          Creates a new AbstractWriter.
ComponentView.ComponentView(Element elem)
          Creates a new ComponentView object.
TableView.TableView(Element elem)
          Constructs a TableView for the given element.
TableView.TableRow.TableView.TableRow(Element elem)
          Constructs a TableView for the given element.
TableView.TableCell.TableView.TableCell(Element elem)
          Deprecated. Constructs a TableCell for the given element.
ParagraphView.ParagraphView(Element elem)
          Constructs a ParagraphView for the given element.

Uses of Element in javax.swing.text.html

Classes in javax.swing.text.html that implement Element
 class HTMLDocument.BlockElement
          An element that represents a structual block of html.
 class HTMLDocument.RunElement
          An element that represents a chunk of text that has a set of html character level attributes assigned to it.

Methods in javax.swing.text.html that return Element
 Element HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.getSourceElement()
          returns the element that corresponds to the source of the event.
protected  Element[] HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction.getElementsAt(HTMLDocument doc, int offset)
          Returns an array of the Elements that contain offset.
protected  Element HTMLEditorKit.HTMLTextAction.findElementMatchingTag(HTMLDocument doc, int offset, HTML.Tag tag)
          Returns the deepest element at offset matching tag.
protected  Element HTMLDocument.createLeafElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a, int p0, int p1)
          Creates a document leaf element that directly represents text (doesn't have any children).
protected  Element HTMLDocument.createBranchElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a)
          Creates a document branch element, that can contain other elements.

Methods in javax.swing.text.html with parameters of type Element
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.text(Element elem)
          This method is responsible for writing text out.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeStartParagraph(Element elem)
          This method emits the start tag for a paragraph.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeLeaf(Element elem)
          Responsible for writing out other non text leaf elements.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeImage(Element elem)
          Responsible for handling Icon Elements.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeComponent(Element elem)
          Responsible for handling Component Elements.
protected  boolean MinimalHTMLWriter.isText(Element elem)
          Returns true if the element is a text element.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeContent(Element elem, boolean needsIndenting)
          This method handles writing out text.
protected  void HTMLWriter.emptyTag(Element elem)
          Writes out all empty elements i.e tags that have no corresponding end tag.
protected  void HTMLWriter.startTag(Element elem)
          Writes out a start tag for the element.
protected  void HTMLWriter.text(Element elem)
          Writes out text.
protected  void HTMLWriter.endTag(Element elem)
          Writes out an end tag for the element.
protected  void HTMLWriter.comment(Element elem)
          Writes out comments.
protected  boolean HTMLWriter.synthesizedElement(Element elem)
          This method returns true, if the element is a synthesized element.
protected  void HTMLEditorKit.createInputAttributes(Element element, MutableAttributeSet set)
          Copies the key/values in elements AttributeSet into set.
 View HTMLEditorKit.HTMLFactory.create(Element elem)
          Creates a view from an element.
protected  void HTMLEditorKit.InsertHTMLTextAction.insertAtBoundry(JEditorPane editor, HTMLDocument doc, int offset, Element insertElement, String html, HTML.Tag parentTag, HTML.Tag addTag)
          This is invoked when inserting at a boundry.
 Style StyleSheet.getRule(HTML.Tag t, Element e)
          Fetch the style to use to render the given type of html tag.
protected  Element HTMLDocument.createLeafElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a, int p0, int p1)
          Creates a document leaf element that directly represents text (doesn't have any children).
protected  Element HTMLDocument.createBranchElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a)
          Creates a document branch element, that can contain other elements.

Constructors in javax.swing.text.html with parameters of type Element
ParagraphView.ParagraphView(Element elem)
          Constructs a ParagraphView for the given element.
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL targetURL, Element sourceElement, String targetFrame)
          Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event.
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL targetURL, String desc, Element sourceElement, String targetFrame)
          Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event.
BlockView.BlockView(Element elem, int axis)
          Creates a new view that represents an html box.
ListView.ListView(Element elem)
          Creates a new view that represents a list element.
InlineView.InlineView(Element elem)
          Constructs a new view wrapped on an element.
ObjectView.ObjectView(Element elem)
          Creates a new ObjectView object.
HTMLDocument.RunElement.HTMLDocument.RunElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a, int offs0, int offs1)
          Constructs an element that represents content within the document (has no children).
HTMLDocument.BlockElement.HTMLDocument.BlockElement(Element parent, AttributeSet a)
          Constructs a composite element that initially contains no children.
FormView.FormView(Element elem)
          Creates a new FormView object.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Standard Edition

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