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Java 2 Platform EE v1.3: Class TagData - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.3.1 API Specifications

Class TagData

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TagData
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Cloneable

The (translation-time only) attribute/value information for a tag instance.

TagData is only used as an argument to the isValid and getVariableInfo methods of TagExtraInfo, which are invoked at translation time.

Field Summary
static java.lang.Object REQUEST_TIME_VALUE
          Distinguished value for an attribute to indicate its value is a request-time expression (which is not yet available because TagData instances are used at translation-time).
Constructor Summary
TagData(java.util.Hashtable attrs)
          Constructor for a TagData.
TagData(java.lang.Object[][] atts)
          Constructor for TagData.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String attName)
          The value of the attribute.
 java.util.Enumeration getAttributes()
          Enumerates the attributes.
 java.lang.String getAttributeString(java.lang.String attName)
          Get the value for a given attribute.
 java.lang.String getId()
          The value of the id attribute, if available.
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String attName, java.lang.Object value)
          Set the value of an attribute.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.Object REQUEST_TIME_VALUE
Distinguished value for an attribute to indicate its value is a request-time expression (which is not yet available because TagData instances are used at translation-time).
Constructor Detail


public TagData(java.lang.Object[][] atts)
Constructor for TagData.

A typical constructor may be

 static final Object[][] att = {{"connection", "conn0"}, {"id", "query0"}};
 static final TagData td = new TagData(att);
All values must be Strings except for those holding the distinguished object REQUEST_TIME_VALUE.
atts - the static attribute and values. May be null.


public TagData(java.util.Hashtable attrs)
Constructor for a TagData. If you already have the attributes in a hashtable, use this constructor.
attrs - A hashtable to get the values from.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getId()
The value of the id attribute, if available.
the value of the id attribute or null


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String attName)
The value of the attribute. Returns the distinguished object REQUEST_TIME_VALUE if the value is request time. Returns null if the attribute is not set.
the attribute's value object


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String attName,
                         java.lang.Object value)
Set the value of an attribute.
attName - the name of the attribute
value - the value.


public java.lang.String getAttributeString(java.lang.String attName)
Get the value for a given attribute.
the attribute value string


public java.util.Enumeration getAttributes()
Enumerates the attributes.
An enumeration of the attributes in a TagData

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