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Java 2 Platform EE v1.3: Class PageContext - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.3.1 API Specifications

Class PageContext


public abstract class PageContext
extends java.lang.Object

A PageContext instance provides access to all the namespaces associated with a JSP page, provides access to several page attributes, as well as a layer above the implementation details. Implicit objects are added the pageContext automatically.

The PageContext class is an abstract class, designed to be extended to provide implementation dependent implementations thereof, by conformant JSP engine runtime environments. A PageContext instance is obtained by a JSP implementation class by calling the JspFactory.getPageContext() method, and is released by calling JspFactory.releasePageContext().

An example of how PageContext, JspFactory, and other classes can be used within a JSP Page Implementation object is given elsewhere.

The PageContext provides a number of facilities to the page/component author and page implementor, including:

Methods Intended for Container Generated Code

Some methods are intended to be used by the code generated by the container, not by code written by JSP page authors, or JSP tag library authors.

The methods supporting lifecycle are initialize() and release()

The following methods enable the management of nested JspWriter streams to implement Tag Extensions: pushBody() and popBody()

Methods Intended for JSP authors

Some methods provide uniform access to the diverse objects representing scopes. The implementation must use the underlying Servlet machinery corresponding to that scope, so information can be passed back and forth between Servlets and JSP pages. The methods are: setAttribute(), getAttribute(), findAttribute(), removeAttribute(), getAttributesScope() and getAttributeNamesInScope() .

The following methods provide convenient access to implicit objects: