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Java 2 Platform EE v1.3: Interface TopicConnectionFactory - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.3.1 API Specifications

Interface TopicConnectionFactory

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public interface TopicConnectionFactory
extends ConnectionFactory

A client uses a TopicConnectionFactory object to create TopicConnection objects with a publish/subscribe JMS provider.

See Also:

Method Summary
 TopicConnection createTopicConnection()
          Creates a topic connection with the default user identity.
 TopicConnection createTopicConnection(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          Creates a topic connection with the specified user identity.

Method Detail


public TopicConnection createTopicConnection()
                                      throws JMSException
Creates a topic connection with the default user identity. The connection is created in stopped mode. No messages will be delivered until the Connection.start method is explicitly called.
a newly created topic connection
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to create a topic connection due to some internal error.
JMSSecurityException - if client authentication fails due to an invalid user name or password.


public TopicConnection createTopicConnection(java.lang.String userName,
                                             java.lang.String password)
                                      throws JMSException
Creates a topic connection with the specified user identity. The connection is created in stopped mode. No messages will be delivered until the Connection.start method is explicitly called.
userName - the caller's user name
password - the caller's password
a newly created topic connection
JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to create a topic connection due to some internal error.
JMSSecurityException - if client authentication fails due to an invalid user name or password.

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