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Uses of Interface net.sf.hibernate.Session (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 2.1.8 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Session

Uses of Session in net.sf.hibernate

Methods in net.sf.hibernate that return Session
 Session SessionFactory.openSession(Connection connection)
          Open a Session on the given connection.
 Session SessionFactory.openSession(Interceptor interceptor)
          Create database connection and open a Session on it, specifying an interceptor.
 Session SessionFactory.openSession(Connection connection, Interceptor interceptor)
          Open a Session on the given connection, specifying an interceptor.
 Session SessionFactory.openSession()
          Create database connection and open a Session on it.

Methods in net.sf.hibernate with parameters of type Session
 boolean Lifecycle.onSave(Session s)
          Called when an entity is saved.
 boolean Lifecycle.onUpdate(Session s)
          Called when an entity is passed to Session.update().
 boolean Lifecycle.onDelete(Session s)
          Called when an entity is deleted.
 void Lifecycle.onLoad(Session s, Serializable id)
          Called after an entity is loaded.

Uses of Session in net.sf.hibernate.engine

Subinterfaces of Session in net.sf.hibernate.engine
 interface SessionImplementor
          Defines the internal contract between the Session and other parts of Hibernate such as implementors of Type or ClassPersister.

Uses of Session in net.sf.hibernate.impl

Classes in net.sf.hibernate.impl that implement Session
 class SessionImpl
          Concrete implementation of a Session, and also the central, organizing component of Hibernate's internal implementation.

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.impl that return Session
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.openSession(Connection connection, Interceptor interceptor)
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.openSession(Interceptor interceptor)
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.openSession(Connection connection)
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.openSession()

Uses of Session in net.sf.hibernate.jca

Classes in net.sf.hibernate.jca that implement Session
 class JCASessionImpl
          A logical session handle, all real work is deligated to underlying physical session represented by ManagedConnectionImpl instance.

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.jca that return Session
 Session JCASessionFactoryImpl.openSession()
 Session JCASessionFactoryImpl.openSession(Connection connection, Interceptor interceptor)
 Session JCASessionFactoryImpl.openSession(Connection connection)
 Session JCASessionFactoryImpl.openSession(Interceptor interceptor)

Uses of Session in net.sf.hibernate.jmx

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.jmx that return Session
 Session SessionFactoryStub.openSession()
 Session SessionFactoryStub.openSession(Connection conn)
 Session SessionFactoryStub.openSession(Connection connection, Interceptor interceptor)
 Session SessionFactoryStub.openSession(Interceptor interceptor)

Uses of Session in net.sf.hibernate.odmg

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.odmg that return Session
 Session Transaction.getSession()
          Get the underlying Hibernate Session.
 Session Database.getSession()
          Get the Session underlying the Transaction associated with the current thread.