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Uses of Interface org.springframework.scripting.ScriptSource (Spring Framework API 2.1) - Spring Framework 2.1.0 API 文档英文版

The Spring Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ScriptSource
org.springframework.scripting Core interfaces for Spring's scripting support. 
org.springframework.scripting.bsh Package providing integration of BeanShell into Spring's scripting infrastructure. 
org.springframework.scripting.groovy Package providing integration of Groovy into Spring's scripting infrastructure. 
org.springframework.scripting.jruby Package providing integration of JRuby into Spring's scripting infrastructure. 
org.springframework.scripting.support Support classes for Spring's scripting package. 

Uses of ScriptSource in org.springframework.scripting

Methods in org.springframework.scripting with parameters of type ScriptSource
 Object ScriptFactory.getScriptedObject(ScriptSource scriptSource, Class[] actualInterfaces)
          Factory method for creating the scripted Java object.
 Class ScriptFactory.getScriptedObjectType(ScriptSource scriptSource)
          Determine the type of the scripted Java object.

Uses of ScriptSource in org.springframework.scripting.bsh

Methods in org.springframework.scripting.bsh with parameters of type ScriptSource
 Object BshScriptFactory.getScriptedObject(ScriptSource actualScriptSource, Class[] actualInterfaces)
          Load and parse the BeanShell script via BshScriptUtils.
 Class BshScriptFactory.getScriptedObjectType(ScriptSource scriptSource)

Uses of ScriptSource in org.springframework.scripting.groovy

Methods in org.springframework.scripting.groovy with parameters of type ScriptSource
 Object GroovyScriptFactory.getScriptedObject(ScriptSource scriptSource, Class[] actualInterfaces)
          Loads and parses the Groovy script via the GroovyClassLoader.
 Class GroovyScriptFactory.getScriptedObjectType(ScriptSource scriptSource)

Uses of ScriptSource in org.springframework.scripting.jruby

Methods in org.springframework.scripting.jruby with parameters of type ScriptSource
 Object JRubyScriptFactory.getScriptedObject(ScriptSource scriptSource, Class[] actualInterfaces)
          Load and parse the JRuby script via JRubyScriptUtils.
 Class JRubyScriptFactory.getScriptedObjectType(ScriptSource scriptSource)

Uses of ScriptSource in org.springframework.scripting.support

Classes in org.springframework.scripting.support that implement ScriptSource
 class ResourceScriptSource
          ScriptSource implementation based on Spring's Resource abstraction.
 class StaticScriptSource
          Static implementation of the ScriptSource interface, encapsulating a given String that contains the script source text.

Methods in org.springframework.scripting.support that return ScriptSource
protected  ScriptSource ScriptFactoryPostProcessor.convertToScriptSource(String scriptSourceLocator, ResourceLoader resourceLoader)
          Convert the given script source locator to a ScriptSource instance.
protected  ScriptSource ScriptFactoryPostProcessor.getScriptSource(String beanName, String scriptSourceLocator)
          Obtain a ScriptSource for the given bean, lazily creating it if not cached already.

Methods in org.springframework.scripting.support with parameters of type ScriptSource
protected  RootBeanDefinition ScriptFactoryPostProcessor.createScriptedObjectBeanDefinition(RootBeanDefinition bd, String scriptFactoryBeanName, ScriptSource scriptSource, Class[] interfaces)
          Create a bean definition for the scripted object, based on the given script definition, extracting the definition data that is relevant for the scripted object (that is, everything but bean class and constructor arguments).

Constructors in org.springframework.scripting.support with parameters of type ScriptSource
RefreshableScriptTargetSource(BeanFactory beanFactory, String beanName, ScriptSource scriptSource)
          Create a new RefreshableScriptTargetSource.

The Spring Framework

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