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Uses of Interface org.springframework.beans.PropertyValues (Spring Framework) - Spring Framework 1.2.9 API 文档英文版

Uses of Interface

Packages that use PropertyValues
org.springframework.beans This package contains interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans. 
org.springframework.beans.factory.support Classes supporting the org.springframework.beans.factory package. 
org.springframework.validation Provides data binding and validation functionality, for usage in business and/or UI layers. 
org.springframework.web.bind Provides web-specific data binding functionality, including a utility class for easy invocation of binding and validation. 

Uses of PropertyValues in org.springframework.beans

Classes in org.springframework.beans that implement PropertyValues
 class MutablePropertyValues
          Default implementation of the PropertyValues interface.

Methods in org.springframework.beans that return PropertyValues
 PropertyValues PropertyValues.changesSince(PropertyValues old)
          Return the changes since the previous PropertyValues.
 PropertyValues MutablePropertyValues.changesSince(PropertyValues old)

Methods in org.springframework.beans with parameters of type PropertyValues
 MutablePropertyValues MutablePropertyValues.addPropertyValues(PropertyValues other)
          Copy all given PropertyValues into this object.
 PropertyValues PropertyValues.changesSince(PropertyValues old)
          Return the changes since the previous PropertyValues.
 PropertyValues MutablePropertyValues.changesSince(PropertyValues old)
 void PropertyAccessor.setPropertyValues(PropertyValues pvs)
          The preferred way to perform a batch update.
 void BeanWrapperImpl.setPropertyValues(PropertyValues pvs)
 void PropertyAccessor.setPropertyValues(PropertyValues pvs, boolean ignoreUnknown)
          Perform a batch update with full control over behavior.
 void BeanWrapperImpl.setPropertyValues(PropertyValues propertyValues, boolean ignoreUnknown)

Constructors in org.springframework.beans with parameters of type PropertyValues
MutablePropertyValues(PropertyValues original)
          Deep copy constructor.

Uses of PropertyValues in org.springframework.beans.factory.support

Methods in org.springframework.beans.factory.support with parameters of type PropertyValues
protected  void AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.checkDependencies(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mergedBeanDefinition, BeanWrapper bw, PropertyValues pvs)
          Perform a dependency check that all properties exposed have been set, if desired.

Uses of PropertyValues in org.springframework.validation

Methods in org.springframework.validation with parameters of type PropertyValues
 void DataBinder.bind(PropertyValues pvs)
          Bind the given property values to this binder's target.

Uses of PropertyValues in org.springframework.web.bind

Classes in org.springframework.web.bind that implement PropertyValues
 class ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues
          PropertyValues implementation created from parameters in a ServletRequest.

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