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Line.Set (Text API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.text 6.16

Class Line.Set

  extended by org.openide.text.Line.Set
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class Line.Set
extends Object

Object that represents a snapshot of lines at the time it was created. It is used to create a mapping from line numbers to line objects, for example when the file is saved. Such a mapping can then be used by the compiler, e.g., to find the correct Line object, assuming it has a line number.

Mappings of line numbers to line objects will survive modifications of the text, and continue to represent the original lines as close as possible. For example: if a new line is inserted at the 10th line of a document and the compiler module asks for the 25th line (because the compiler reports an error at line 25 in the saved file) via the line set, the 26th line of the current document will be marked as being in error.

Constructor Summary
          Create a new snapshot.
Method Summary
abstract  Line getCurrent(int line)
          Find line object representing the line in current document.
 Date getDate()
          Get creation time for this line set.
abstract  List<? extends Line> getLines()
          Returns a set of line objects sorted by their line numbers.
abstract  Line getOriginal(int line)
          Find line object in the line set corresponding to original line number.
 int getOriginalLineNumber(Line line)
          Finds an original line number for given line in this line set.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Line.Set()
Create a new snapshot. Remembers the date when it was created.

Method Detail


public abstract List<? extends Line> getLines()
Returns a set of line objects sorted by their line numbers. This immutable list will contains all lines held by this line set.

list of lines


public final Date getDate()
Get creation time for this line set.



public abstract Line getOriginal(int line)
                          throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Find line object in the line set corresponding to original line number. That is, finds the line in the current document which originally had the indicated line number. If there have been modifications of that line, find one as close as possible.

line - number of the line (starting at 0)
line object
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if line is an invalid index for the original set of lines


public abstract Line getCurrent(int line)
                         throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Find line object representing the line in current document.

line - number of the line in current state of the document (starting at 0)
line object
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if line is an invalid index for the original set of lines


public int getOriginalLineNumber(Line line)
Finds an original line number for given line in this line set.

line - the line to look for
the number (starting at 0) that best matches the line number of the line or -1 if the line does seem to be produced by this line set

org.openide.text 6.16

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.