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IndentEngine (Text API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.text 6.16

Class IndentEngine

  extended by org.openide.ServiceType
      extended by org.openide.text.IndentEngine
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, HelpCtx.Provider

public abstract class IndentEngine
extends ServiceType

Indentation engine for formating text in documents. Provides mapping between MIME types and engines, so anybody can find appropriate type of engine for type of document.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.openide.ServiceType
ServiceType.Handle, ServiceType.Registry
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.openide.ServiceType
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  boolean acceptMimeType(String mime)
          Allow subclasses to decide whether they are suitable for the given mime-type or not.
abstract  Writer createWriter(Document doc, int offset, Writer writer)
          Creates writer that formats text that is inserted into it.
static IndentEngine find(Document doc)
          Finds engine associated with given document.
static IndentEngine find(String mime)
          Finds engine associated with given mime type.
static IndentEngine getDefault()
          Returns a simple indentation engine that does no formatting.
 HelpCtx getHelpCtx()
static Enumeration<? extends IndentEngine> indentEngines()
          Returns enumeration of all registered indentation engines.
abstract  int indentLine(Document doc, int offset)
          Indents the current line.
abstract  int indentNewLine(Document doc, int offset)
          Inserts new line at given position and indents the new line with spaces.
static void register(String mime, IndentEngine eng)
          Deprecated. IndentEngine now is a ServiceType
Methods inherited from class org.openide.ServiceType
addPropertyChangeListener, clone, createClone, displayName, firePropertyChange, getName, removePropertyChangeListener, setName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IndentEngine()
Method Detail


public HelpCtx getHelpCtx()
Specified by:
getHelpCtx in interface HelpCtx.Provider
Specified by:
getHelpCtx in class ServiceType


public abstract int indentLine(Document doc,
                               int offset)
Indents the current line. Should not effect any other lines.

doc - the document to work on
offset - the offset of a character on the line
new offset of the original character


public abstract int indentNewLine(Document doc,
                                  int offset)
Inserts new line at given position and indents the new line with spaces.

doc - the document to work on
offset - the offset of a character on the line
new offset to place cursor to


public abstract Writer createWriter(Document doc,
                                    int offset,
                                    Writer writer)
Creates writer that formats text that is inserted into it. The writer should not modify the document but use the provided writer to write to. Usually the underlaying writer will modify the document itself and optionally it can remember the current position in document. That is why the newly created writer should do no buffering.

The provided document and offset are only informational, should not be modified but only used to find correct indentation strategy.

doc - document
offset - position to begin inserts at
writer - writer to write to
new writer that will format written text and pass it into the writer


protected boolean acceptMimeType(String mime)
Allow subclasses to decide whether they are suitable for the given mime-type or not.

mime - mime-type string
true if this engine is suitable for the given mime-type.


public static void register(String mime,
                                       IndentEngine eng)
Deprecated. IndentEngine now is a ServiceType


public static Enumeration<? extends IndentEngine> indentEngines()
Returns enumeration of all registered indentation engines.

enumeration of IndentEngine


public static IndentEngine find(String mime)
Finds engine associated with given mime type. If no engine is associated returns default one.


public static IndentEngine find(Document doc)
Finds engine associated with given document. If no engine is associated returns default one.


public static IndentEngine getDefault()
Returns a simple indentation engine that does no formatting.

org.openide.text 6.16

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.