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ExPropertyEditor (Explorer & Property Sheet API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.explorer 6.8 1

Interface ExPropertyEditor

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ExPropertyEditor
extends PropertyEditor

An extension interface for property editors that hides all the necessary communication with the property sheet. ExPropertyEditor is able to accept an instance of PropertyEnv class - this environment passes additional information to the editor. The PropertyEnv instance is typically used to set the valid/invalid state of the property, and to retrieve a reference to the Node.Property or PropertyDescriptor for the property being edited.

Field Summary
static String PROP_VALUE_VALID
          If you want to enable/disable the OK button on the custom property editor panel you can fire a property change event with boolean value.
static String PROPERTY_HELP_ID
          If you want to add custom help ID on the custom property editor panel you can store its value in PROPERTY_HELP_ID property.
Method Summary
 void attachEnv(PropertyEnv env)
          This method is called by the property sheet to pass the environment to the property editor.
Methods inherited from interface java.beans.PropertyEditor
addPropertyChangeListener, getAsText, getCustomEditor, getJavaInitializationString, getTags, getValue, isPaintable, paintValue, removePropertyChangeListener, setAsText, setValue, supportsCustomEditor

Field Detail


static final String PROP_VALUE_VALID
If you want to enable/disable the OK button on the custom property editor panel you can fire a property change event with boolean value. You don't have to implement the ExPropertyEditor interface for this feature to be turned on. When firing property change event PROP_VALUE_VALID is the name and an instance of java.lang.Boolean should be passed as a value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String PROPERTY_HELP_ID
If you want to add custom help ID on the custom property editor panel you can store its value in PROPERTY_HELP_ID property.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void attachEnv(PropertyEnv env)
This method is called by the property sheet to pass the environment to the property editor. The typical use case is for the ExPropertyEditor to call env.getFeatureDescriptor().getValue (String key) to retrieve any hints the Property object may supply regarding how the property editor should behave (such as providing alternate text representations of "true" and "false" for a Boolean property editor).

Property editors that support an invalid state (typically used to disable the OK button in custom editor dialogs) should cache the env object and update the env's state on calls to setValue().

Note: This method may be called more than once during the lifetime of a property editor. In particular, custom property editors which want to change the state of the OK button by calling PropertyEnv.setState(PropertyEnv.STATE_VALID) should not assume that the instance of PropertyEnv most recently passed to attachEnv() on the underlying property editor is the same instance that controls the dialog they are displayed in. Custom editors which wish to control the state of the OK button should cache the last-set PropertyEnv at the time they are instantiated.

org.openide.explorer 6.8 1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.