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NbClassPath (Execution API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.execution 1.10

Class NbClassPath

  extended by org.openide.execution.NbClassPath
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class NbClassPath
extends Object
implements Serializable

Property that can hold informations about class path and that can be used to create string representation of the class path.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
NbClassPath(File[] classpathItems)
          Create a new descriptor for the specified process, classpath switch, and classpath.
NbClassPath(String path)
          Create a class path from the usual string representation.
NbClassPath(String[] classpathItems)
          Create a new descriptor for the specified process, classpath switch, and classpath.
Method Summary
static NbClassPath createBootClassPath()
          Deprecated. Use the Java Platform API instead.
static NbClassPath createClassPath()
          Deprecated. There are generally no excuses to be using this method as part of a normal module; its exact meaning is vague, and probably not what you want.
static NbClassPath createLibraryPath()
          Deprecated. There are generally no excuses to be using this method as part of a normal module; its exact meaning is vague, and probably not what you want.
static NbClassPath createRepositoryPath()
          Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
static NbClassPath createRepositoryPath(FileSystemCapability cap)
          Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
 boolean equals(Object o)
 String getClassPath()
          Create class path representation.
 Exception[] getExceptions()
          If there were some problems during creation of the class path, they can be identified by asking the method.
static File toFile(FileObject fo)
          Deprecated. You should use FileUtil.toFile(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject) instead.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NbClassPath(String[] classpathItems)
Create a new descriptor for the specified process, classpath switch, and classpath.

classpathItems - the classpath to be passed to the process


public NbClassPath(File[] classpathItems)
Create a new descriptor for the specified process, classpath switch, and classpath.

classpathItems - the classpath to be passed to the process


public NbClassPath(String path)
Create a class path from the usual string representation.

path - a class path separated by File.pathSeparatorChars
Method Detail


public static NbClassPath createRepositoryPath()
Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.

Method to obtain class path for the current state of the repository. The classpath should be scanned for all occured exception caused by file systems that cannot be converted to class path by a call to method getExceptions().

class path for all reachable systems in the repository


public static NbClassPath createRepositoryPath(FileSystemCapability cap)
Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.

Method to obtain class path for the current state of the repository. The classpath should be scanned for all occured exception caused by file systems that cannot be converted to class path by a call to method getExceptions().

cap - the capability that must be satisfied by the file system added to the class path
class path for all reachable systems in the repository


public static NbClassPath createLibraryPath()
Deprecated. There are generally no excuses to be using this method as part of a normal module; its exact meaning is vague, and probably not what you want.

Creates class path describing additional libraries needed by the system. Never use this class path as part of a user project! For more information consult the Module Class Path document.


public static NbClassPath createClassPath()
Deprecated. There are generally no excuses to be using this method as part of a normal module; its exact meaning is vague, and probably not what you want.

Creates class path of the system. Never use this class path as part of a user project! For more information consult the Module Class Path document.


public static NbClassPath createBootClassPath()
Deprecated. Use the Java Platform API instead.

Creates path describing boot class path of the system. Never use this class path as part of a user project! There are generally no excuses to be using this method as part of a normal module. For more information consult the Module Class Path document.

class path of system class including extensions


public static File toFile(FileObject fo)
Deprecated. You should use FileUtil.toFile(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject) instead.

Take one file object and try to convert it into a local file.

fo - file object to convert
disk file for that file object, or null if there is no corresponding disk file


public Exception[] getExceptions()
If there were some problems during creation of the class path, they can be identified by asking the method. So this method can be called to test whether it is correct to use the path or there can be some errors.

This can happen especially when creating NbClassPath for filesystems in repository and they are not stored on locally accessible disks.

array of exceptions thrown during creation of the path


public String getClassPath()
Create class path representation. The implementation will return the string quoted (using doublequotes), if it contains a space character.

string representing the classpath items separated by File.separatorChar, possibly quoted.


public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object

org.openide.execution 1.10

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.