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DropDownButtonFactory (UI Utilities API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.awt 6.11.0

Class DropDownButtonFactory

  extended by org.openide.awt.DropDownButtonFactory

public final class DropDownButtonFactory
extends Object

Factory creating buttons with a small arrow icon that shows a popup menu when clicked. The default button behavior hasn't changed.


Field Summary
          Use this property name to assign or remove popup menu to/from buttons created by this factory, e.g.
Method Summary
static JButton createDropDownButton(Icon icon, JPopupMenu dropDownMenu)
          Creates JButton with a small arrow that shows the provided popup menu when clicked.
static JToggleButton createDropDownToggleButton(Icon icon, JPopupMenu dropDownMenu)
          Creates JToggleButton with a small arrow that shows the provided popup menu when clicked.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String PROP_DROP_DOWN_MENU
Use this property name to assign or remove popup menu to/from buttons created by this factory, e.g. dropDownButton.putClientProperty( PROP_DROP_DOWN_MENU, new JPopupMenu() ) The property value must be JPopupMenu, removing this property removes the arrow from the button.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static JButton createDropDownButton(Icon icon,
                                           JPopupMenu dropDownMenu)
Creates JButton with a small arrow that shows the provided popup menu when clicked.

icon - The default icon, can be null
dropDownMenu - Popup menu to display when the arrow is clicked. If this parameter is null then the button doesn't show any arrow and behaves like a regular JButton. It is possible to add the popup menu later using PROP_DROP_DOWN_MENU client property.
A button that is capable of displaying an 'arrow' in its icon to open a popup menu.


public static JToggleButton createDropDownToggleButton(Icon icon,
                                                       JPopupMenu dropDownMenu)
Creates JToggleButton with a small arrow that shows the provided popup menu when clicked.

icon - The default icon, can be null
dropDownMenu - Popup menu to display when the arrow is clicked. If this parameter is null then the button doesn't show any arrow and behaves like a regular JToggleButton. It is possible to add the popup menu later using PROP_DROP_DOWN_MENU client property.
A toggle-button that is capable of displaying an 'arrow' in its icon to open a popup menu.

org.openide.awt 6.11.0

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.