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Overview (Look & Feel Customization Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.swing.plaf 1.6

Look & Feel Customization Library
Friend, Private or Third Party

This library installs custom values into UIDefaults, such as colors, borders and UI class names, which various components in NetBeans use to provide a customized or native appearance.


Look & Feel Customization Library


This library installs custom values into UIDefaults, such as colors, borders and UI class names, which various components in NetBeans use to provide a customized or native appearance.

NetBeans provides a number of custom components, such as the tabbed containers in its main window; other components may look for custom colors - for example, the property sheet will look for a custom color in UIDefaults to use for its margin and the background color of property set entries, in order that it may be customized to match the UI specification for different platforms/look and feels.

This library centralizes the installation and setup of such custom values. It also:


An application using NetBeans tab control, window system, property sheet or some other component of NetBeans, which wants to guarantee that the same colors and styles are used in their application as in NetBeans, needs simply to call org.netbeans.swing.plaf.Startup.run() early in its startup sequence, as org.netbeans.core.Main does.

A look and feel or application author who wishes to provide custom values for some thing can provide an implementation of org.netbeans.swing.plaf.LFCustoms, and place it in UIManager under a key which contains the unique ID of the look and feel. See the documentation for LFCustoms for further details of how to do this.

Another option is simply to provide values for the (quite self-explanatory) keys defined as static fields of the LFCustoms class. The advantage to providing an implementation of LFCustoms is simply that those values would not be loaded unless requested; either approach is equivalent.

Also, if a look and feel is designed to be an improvement on an existing platform-specific look and feel (such as JGoodies for Windows or QuaQua for Apple), it may simply provide the appropriate existing LFCustoms subclass name in UIDefaults, in accordance with the following:

Look and feel UIManager key Class name
Metal look and feel Nb.MetalLFCustoms org.netbeans.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLFCustoms
Windows classic look and feel Nb.WindowsLFCustoms org.netbeans.swing.plaf.winclassic.WindowsLFCustoms
Windows XP look and feel Nb.WindowsXPLFCustoms org.netbeans.swing.plaf.winxp.XPLFCustoms
Aqua look and feel (Mac) Nb.AquaLFCustoms org.netbeans.swing.plaf.aqua.AquaLFCustoms
GTK Look and Feel (Linux & Solaris) - JDK 1.5 and up Nb.GTKLFCustoms org.netbeans.swing.plaf.gtk.GtkLFCustoms
For details on the specific requirements and design of this library, see its arch questions and answers.

org.netbeans.swing.plaf 1.6

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.