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NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)
Overview (Registry) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)
This document set describes the public APIs and SPIs offered by the Registry module.
This document set describes the public APIs and SPIs offered by the Registry module.
API (including overview and examples)
Additional documentation:
Design Choices
Change History
Architecture Summary
The Registry API was strongly inpired by Preferences API and JNDI API. Several people from nbdev mailing list (especially Jesse Glick, Radek Matous, Petr Nejedly, Vitezslav Stejskal, Jaroslav Tulach) provided valuable feedback which was incorporated.
implementation of the Registry uses for object persistence DataSystem
layer and its InstanceDataObject. This will be changed before final
release and this change can significantly change the behaviour how
object are treated. For example current InstanceDataObject
automatically saves object when it was modified. You just retrieve the
object from Registry API, modify the object through its API and the
object will be automatically persist without the need to bind the
changed object back to Registry. This is one of the things which can
change when dependency on DataSystem is eliminated. If you are
switching to Registry API please keep this in mind, ask questions, mark
the source code to be able to return to is later etc. See Settings Redesign page for the most actual info.