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NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)
RefactoringUIBypass (Refactoring API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)
Interface RefactoringUIBypass
public interface RefactoringUIBypass
This was historicaly intended to enhance RefactoringUI.
RefactoringUI must support "bypass" of refactoring for common
operations Copy/Move/Rename for users to be able to do
regular operation (Copy/Move/Rename) instead of refactoring operation
(Refactor | Copy, Refactor | Move, Refactor | Rename)
For instance UI for Java Rename Refactoring has checkbox
[ ] Rename Without Refactoring
isRefactoringBypassRequired() should return true if and only if
this checkbox is checked.
doRefactoringBypass() implementation does only regular file rename
boolean isRefactoringBypassRequired()
- Returns:
- true if user want to bypass refactoring
void doRefactoringBypass()
throws IOException
- do regular operation, bypass refactoring
- Throws: