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GuardedBlockHandler (Refactoring API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.api 1.0

Interface GuardedBlockHandler

public interface GuardedBlockHandler

Interface implemented by guarded block refactoring handlers. Contains a callback method that gets a RefactoringElementImplementation affecting a guarded block as a parameter and can return the new RefactoringElementImplementation that will replace the passed RefactoringElementImplementations in the result collection of refactoring elements for a given refactoring.

Method Summary
 Problem handleChange(RefactoringElementImplementation proposedChange, Collection<RefactoringElementImplementation> replacements, Collection<Transaction> transaction)
          Collects replacements for refactoring element affecting a guarded block.

Method Detail


Problem handleChange(RefactoringElementImplementation proposedChange,
                     Collection<RefactoringElementImplementation> replacements,
                     Collection<Transaction> transaction)
Collects replacements for refactoring element affecting a guarded block.

proposedChange - RefactoringElementImplementation that affects a guarded block.
replacements - Empty collection where the method implementation should add the replacement RefactoringElementImplementations if this GuardedBlockHandler can handle changes in the guarded block the original RefactoringElementImplementation affects.
transaction - collection of Transactions.
Problems found or null (if no problems were identified)

org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.api 1.0

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.