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OpenProjects (Project UI API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.projectuiapi/1 1.24.0 6

Class OpenProjects

  extended by org.netbeans.api.project.ui.OpenProjects

public final class OpenProjects
extends Object

List of projects open in the GUI.

Warning: this API is intended only for a limited set of use cases where obtaining a list of all open projects is really the direct goal. For example, you may wish to display a chooser letting the user select a file from among the top-level source folders of any open project. For many cases, however, this API is not the correct approach, so use it as a last resort. Consider GlobalPathRegistry, ProjectOpenedHook, and ProjectSensitiveActions (or MainProjectSensitiveActions) first. Only certain operations should actually be aware of which projects are "open"; by default, all project functionality should be available whether it is open or not.

Field Summary
          Property representing main project.
          Property representing open projects.
Method Summary
 void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Adds a listener to changes in the set of open projects.
 void close(Project[] projects)
          Closes given projects.
static OpenProjects getDefault()
          Get the default singleton instance of this class.
 Project getMainProject()
          Retrieves the current main project set in the IDE.
 Project[] getOpenProjects()
          Gets a list of currently open projects.
 void open(Project[] projects, boolean openSubprojects)
          Opens given projects.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Removes a listener.
 void setMainProject(Project project)
          Sets the main project.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String PROPERTY_OPEN_PROJECTS
Property representing open projects.

See Also:
getOpenProjects(), Constant Field Values


public static final String PROPERTY_MAIN_PROJECT
Property representing main project.

org.netbeans.modules.projectuiapi/1 1.20
See Also:
getMainProject(), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static OpenProjects getDefault()
Get the default singleton instance of this class.

the default instance


public Project[] getOpenProjects()
Gets a list of currently open projects.

list of projects currently opened in the IDE's GUI; order not specified


public void open(Project[] projects,
                 boolean openSubprojects)
Opens given projects. Acquires ProjectManager.mutex() in the write mode.

projects - to be opened. In the case when some of the projects are already opened these projects are not opened again. If the projects contain duplicates, the duplicated projects are opened just once.
openSubprojects - if true also subprojects are opened.
org.netbeans.modules.projectuiapi/0 1.2

This method is designed for use by logical view's Libraries Node to open one or more of dependent projects. This method can be used also by other project GUI components which need to open certain project(s), eg. code generation wizards.
The method should not be used for opening newly created project, insted the WizardDescriptor.InstantiatingIterator.instantiate() used for creation of new project should return the project directory.
The method should not be also used to provide a GUI to open subprojects. The CommonProjectActions.openSubprojectsAction() should be used instead.


public void close(Project[] projects)
Closes given projects. Acquires ProjectManager.mutex() in the write mode.

projects - to be closed. The non opened project contained in the projects array are ignored.
org.netbeans.modules.projectuiapi/0 1.2


public Project getMainProject()
Retrieves the current main project set in the IDE.

Warning: the set of usecases that require invoking this method is limited. MainProjectSensitiveActions should be used in favour of this method if possible. In particular, this method should not be used to let the user choose if an action should be run on the main vs. the currently selected project.

As a rule of thumb, any code outside of the project system infrastructure which behaves differently depending on the choice of main project should be reviewed critically. All functionality of a project ought to be available regardless of the "main project" flag, which is intended only as a convenient shortcut to permit certain actions (such as Run) to be invoked from a global context on a preselected project.

the current main project or null if none


public void setMainProject(Project project)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException
Sets the main project.

Warning: the set of usecases that require invoking this method is very limited and should be generally avoided if possible. In particular, this method should not be used to mark a project just created by the New Project wizard as the main project.

project - project to set as main project (must be open), or null to set no project as main.
IllegalArgumentException - if the project is not opened.


public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
Adds a listener to changes in the set of open projects. As this class is a singleton and is not subject to garbage collection, it is recommended to add only weak listeners, or remove regular listeners reliably.

listener - a listener to add
See Also:


public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
Removes a listener.

listener - a listener to remove

org.netbeans.modules.projectuiapi/1 1.24.0 6

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.