org.netbeans.modules.project.libraries/1 1.14 | |||||||||
Class Summary | |
LibrariesCustomizer | Provides method for opening Libraries customizer |
Library | Library models typed bundle of typed volumes. |
LibraryManager | LibraryManager provides registry of the installed libraries. |
Representation of a library, and the ability to find the installed libraries.
The libraries API provides a client API of the Libraries framework. The Library itself is a typed set of volumes. The volume is a ordered list of resources. The type of library implies the volumes contained in it. For example the Java SE library contains three volumes (sources, classpath and javadoc). The resource is a valid URL of the physical resource.
To obtain a list of installed libraries you want to call
as in the following example for listing the names of installed libraries.
Library[] libraries = LibraryManager.getDefault().getLibraries (); for (int i = 0; i< libraries.length; i++) { System.out.println(libraries[i].getName()+" : "+libraries[i].getType()); }To obtain a library with a given name you want to call
method as in the following example.
Library library = LibraryManager.getDefault().getLibrary ("Ant"); if (library != null) { System.out.println(library.getName()+" : "+libraries[i].getType()); }
To open the graphical libraries manager you need to call
A module is able to register the predefined library. For example the junit module installs the junit library. The library definition is placed in the org-netbeans-api-project-libraries/Libraries folder on the system filesystem.
The library format is given by the following DTD.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Root element of library definition descriptor. --> <!ELEMENT library (name, type, description?, localizing-bundle?, volume*) > <!-- The version attribute specifies the version of the library --> <!ATTLIST library version CDATA #FIXED "1.0" > <!--- Library unique identifier - a string. In the case when the localizing-bundle element presents the name value is used as a key into bundle to locate the display name. Otherwise the name value is used as a display name--> <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA) > <!--Short description of given library - a string. In the case when the localizing-bundle element presents the description value is used as a key into bundle to locate the localized description. Otherwise the description value is used.--> <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA) > <!-- The resource name of base bundle without an extension - a string. The bundle used to lookup the localized strings. The bundle is looked up by NbBundle.getBundle (String) method. Example of localizing bundle: org.netbeans.modules.junit.resources.Bundle --> <!ELEMENT localizing-bundle (#PCDATA)> <!--- Volume is typed list of resources --> <!ELEMENT volume (type, resource*) > <!--- Volume type of a library volume - a string For example the Java SE library supports the following types of volume: classpath, javadoc and src --> <!ELEMENT type (#PCDATA) > <!--- Volume resource coded as an URL In the case of URL with nbinst protocol the URL is resolved from the NetBeans installation dircetory. If the URL points to an archive file, the URL must have the jar protocol. Example: jar:file:///usr/lib/java/xerces.jar!/ is resolved to /usr/lib/java/xerces.jar/ jar:nbinst://org.netbeans.modules.junit/modules/ext/junit.jar!/ is resolved to ${netbeans.home}/modules/ext/junit.jar --> <!ELEMENT resource (#PCDATA) >
org.netbeans.modules.project.libraries/1 1.14 | |||||||||