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SourcesHelper (Ant-Based Project Support) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.project.ant/1 1.16

Class SourcesHelper

  extended by org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.SourcesHelper

public final class SourcesHelper
extends Object

Helper class to work with source roots and typed folders of a project.

Constructor Summary
SourcesHelper(AntProjectHelper project, PropertyEvaluator evaluator)
          Create the helper object, initially configured to recognize only sources contained inside the project directory.
Method Summary
 void addNonSourceRoot(String location)
          Similar to addPrincipalSourceRoot(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, javax.swing.Icon, javax.swing.Icon) but affects only registerExternalRoots(int) and not createSources().
 void addPrincipalSourceRoot(String location, String displayName, Icon icon, Icon openedIcon)
          Add a possible principal source root, or top-level folder which may contain sources that should be considered part of the project.
 void addPrincipalSourceRoot(String location, String includes, String excludes, String displayName, Icon icon, Icon openedIcon)
          Add a possible principal source root, or top-level folder which may contain sources that should be considered part of the project, with optional include and exclude lists.
 void addTypedSourceRoot(String location, String type, String displayName, Icon icon, Icon openedIcon)
          Add a typed source root which will be considered only in certain contexts.
 void addTypedSourceRoot(String location, String includes, String excludes, String type, String displayName, Icon icon, Icon openedIcon)
          Add a typed source root with optional include and exclude lists.
 Sources createSources()
          Create a source list object.
 void registerExternalRoots(int algorithm)
          Register all external source or non-source roots using FileOwnerQuery.markExternalOwner(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject, org.netbeans.api.project.Project, int).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SourcesHelper(AntProjectHelper project,
                     PropertyEvaluator evaluator)
Create the helper object, initially configured to recognize only sources contained inside the project directory.

project - an Ant project helper
evaluator - a way to evaluate Ant properties used to define source locations
Method Detail


public void addPrincipalSourceRoot(String location,
                                   String displayName,
                                   Icon icon,
                                   Icon openedIcon)
                            throws IllegalStateException
Add a possible principal source root, or top-level folder which may contain sources that should be considered part of the project.

If the actual value of the location is inside the project directory, this is simply ignored; so it safe to configure principal source roots for any source directory which might be set to use an external path, even if the common location is internal.

location - a project-relative or absolute path giving the location of a source tree; may contain Ant property substitutions
displayName - a display name (for SourceGroup.getDisplayName())
icon - a regular icon for the source root, or null
openedIcon - an opened variant icon for the source root, or null
IllegalStateException - if this method is called after either createSources() or registerExternalRoots(int) was called
See Also:
registerExternalRoots(int), Sources.TYPE_GENERIC


public void addPrincipalSourceRoot(String location,
                                   String includes,
                                   String excludes,
                                   String displayName,
                                   Icon icon,
                                   Icon openedIcon)
                            throws IllegalStateException
Add a possible principal source root, or top-level folder which may contain sources that should be considered part of the project, with optional include and exclude lists.

If an include or exclude string is given as null, then it is skipped. A non-null value is evaluated and then treated as a comma- or space-separated pattern list, as detailed in the Javadoc for PathMatcher. (As a special convenience, a value consisting solely of an Ant property reference which cannot be evaluated, e.g. ${undefined}, is treated like null.) SourceGroup.contains(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject) will then reflect the includes and excludes for files, but note that the semantics of that method requires that a folder be "contained" in case any folder or file beneath it is contained, and in particular the root folder is always contained.

location - a project-relative or absolute path giving the location of a source tree; may contain Ant property substitutions
includes - Ant-style includes; may contain Ant property substitutions; if not null, only files and folders matching the pattern (or patterns), and not specified in the excludes list, will be included
excludes - Ant-style excludes; may contain Ant property substitutions; if not null, files and folders matching the pattern (or patterns) will not be included, even if specified in the includes list
displayName - a display name (for SourceGroup.getDisplayName())
icon - a regular icon for the source root, or null
openedIcon - an opened variant icon for the source root, or null
IllegalStateException - if this method is called after either createSources() or registerExternalRoots(int) was called
org.netbeans.modules.project.ant/1 1.15
See Also:
registerExternalRoots(int), Sources.TYPE_GENERIC


public void addNonSourceRoot(String location)
                      throws IllegalStateException
Similar to addPrincipalSourceRoot(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, javax.swing.Icon, javax.swing.Icon) but affects only registerExternalRoots(int) and not createSources().

Useful for project type providers which have external paths holding build products. These should not appear in Sources, yet it may be useful for FileOwnerQuery to know the owning project (for example, in order for a project-specific SourceForBinaryQueryImplementation to work).

location - a project-relative or absolute path giving the location of a non-source tree; may contain Ant property substitutions
IllegalStateException - if this method is called after registerExternalRoots(int) was called


public void addTypedSourceRoot(String location,
                               String type,
                               String displayName,
                               Icon icon,
                               Icon openedIcon)
                        throws IllegalStateException
Add a typed source root which will be considered only in certain contexts.

location - a project-relative or absolute path giving the location of a source tree; may contain Ant property substitutions
type - a source root type such as JavaProjectConstants.SOURCES_TYPE_JAVA
displayName - a display name (for SourceGroup.getDisplayName())
icon - a regular icon for the source root, or null
openedIcon - an opened variant icon for the source root, or null
IllegalStateException - if this method is called after either createSources() or registerExternalRoots(int) was called


public void addTypedSourceRoot(String location,
                               String includes,
                               String excludes,
                               String type,
                               String displayName,
                               Icon icon,
                               Icon openedIcon)
                        throws IllegalStateException
Add a typed source root with optional include and exclude lists. See addPrincipalSourceRoot(String,String,String,String,Icon,Icon) for details on semantics of includes and excludes.

location - a project-relative or absolute path giving the location of a source tree; may contain Ant property substitutions
includes - an optional list of Ant-style includes
excludes - an optional list of Ant-style excludes
type - a source root type such as JavaProjectConstants.SOURCES_TYPE_JAVA
displayName - a display name (for SourceGroup.getDisplayName())
icon - a regular icon for the source root, or null
openedIcon - an opened variant icon for the source root, or null
IllegalStateException - if this method is called after either createSources() or registerExternalRoots(int) was called
org.netbeans.modules.project.ant/1 1.15


public void registerExternalRoots(int algorithm)
                           throws IllegalArgumentException,
Register all external source or non-source roots using FileOwnerQuery.markExternalOwner(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject, org.netbeans.api.project.Project, int).

Only roots added by addPrincipalSourceRoot(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, javax.swing.Icon, javax.swing.Icon) and addNonSourceRoot(java.lang.String) are considered. They are registered if (and only if) they in fact fall outside of the project directory, and of course only if the folders really exist on disk. Currently it is not defined when this file existence check is done (e.g. when this method is first called, or periodically) or whether folders which are created subsequently will be registered, so project type providers are encouraged to create all desired external roots before calling this method.

If the actual value of the location changes (due to changes being fired from the property evaluator), roots which were previously internal and are now external will be registered, and roots which were previously external and are now internal will be unregistered. The (un-)registration will be done using the same algorithm as was used initially.

If an explicit include list is configured for a principal source root, only those subfolders which are included (or folders directly containing included files) will be registered. Note that the source root, or an included subfolder, will be registered even if it contains excluded files or folders beneath it.

Calling this method causes the helper object to hold strong references to the current external roots, which helps a project satisfy the requirements of FileOwnerQuery.EXTERNAL_ALGORITHM_TRANSIENT.

You may not call this method inside the project's constructor, as it requires the actual project to exist and be registered in ProjectManager. Typically you would use Mutex.postWriteRequest(java.lang.Runnable) to run it later, if you were creating the helper in your constructor, since the project construction normally occurs in read access.

algorithm - an external root registration algorithm as per FileOwnerQuery.markExternalOwner(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject, org.netbeans.api.project.Project, int)
IllegalArgumentException - if the algorithm is unrecognized
IllegalStateException - if this method is called more than once on a given SourcesHelper object


public Sources createSources()
Create a source list object.

All principal source roots are listed as Sources.TYPE_GENERIC unless they are inside the project directory. The project directory itself is also listed (with a display name according to ProjectUtils.getInformation(org.netbeans.api.project.Project)), unless it is contained by an explicit principal source root (i.e. ancestor directory). Principal source roots should never overlap; if two configured principal source roots are determined to have the same root folder, the first configured root takes precedence (which only matters in regard to the display name); if one root folder is contained within another, the broader root folder subsumes the narrower one so only the broader root is listed.

Other source groups are listed according to the named typed source roots. There is no check performed that these do not overlap (though a project type provider should for UI reasons avoid this situation).

Any source roots which do not exist on disk are ignored, as if they had not been configured at all. Currently it is not defined when this existence check is performed (e.g. when this method is called, when the source root is first accessed, periodically, etc.), so project type providers are generally encouraged to make sure all desired source folders exist before calling this method, if creating a new project.

Source groups are created according to the semantics described in GenericSources.group(org.netbeans.api.project.Project, org.openide.filesystems.FileObject, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, javax.swing.Icon, javax.swing.Icon). They are listed in the order they were configured (for those roots that are actually used as groups).

You may call this method inside the project's constructor, but Sources.getSourceGroups(java.lang.String) may not be called within the constructor, as it requires the actual project object to exist and be registered in ProjectManager.

a source list object suitable for Project.getLookup()

org.netbeans.modules.project.ant/1 1.16

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.