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PropertyUtils (Ant-Based Project Support) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.project.ant/1 1.16

Class PropertyUtils

  extended by org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.PropertyUtils

public class PropertyUtils
extends Object

Support for working with Ant properties and property files.

Method Summary
static PropertyProvider fixedPropertyProvider(Map<String,String> defs)
          Create a trivial property producer using only a fixed list of property definitions.
static EditableProperties getGlobalProperties()
          Load global properties defined by the IDE in the user directory.
static String getUsablePropertyName(String name)
          Returns name usable as Ant property which is based on the given name.
static PropertyProvider globalPropertyProvider()
          Create a property evaluator based on getGlobalProperties() and putGlobalProperties(org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.EditableProperties).
static boolean isUsablePropertyName(String name)
          Checks whether the name is usable as Ant property name.
static PropertyProvider propertiesFilePropertyProvider(File propertiesFile)
          Create a property provider based on a properties file.
static void putGlobalProperties(EditableProperties properties)
          Edit global properties defined by the IDE in the user directory.
static String relativizeFile(File basedir, File file)
          Produce a machine-independent relativized version of a filename from a basedir.
static File resolveFile(File basedir, String filename)
          Find an absolute file path from a possibly relative path.
static PropertyEvaluator sequentialPropertyEvaluator(PropertyProvider preprovider, PropertyProvider... providers)
          Create a property evaluator based on a series of definitions.
static String[] tokenizePath(String path)
          Split an Ant-style path specification into components.
static PropertyProvider userPropertiesProvider(PropertyEvaluator findUserPropertiesFile, String propertyName, File basedir)
          Creates a property provider similar to globalPropertyProvider() but which can use a different global properties file.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static EditableProperties getGlobalProperties()
Load global properties defined by the IDE in the user directory. Currently loads ${netbeans.user}/build.properties if it exists.

Acquires read access.

To listen to changes use globalPropertyProvider().

user properties (empty if missing or malformed)


public static void putGlobalProperties(EditableProperties properties)
                                throws IOException
Edit global properties defined by the IDE in the user directory.

Acquires write access.

properties - user properties to set
IOException - if they could not be stored
See Also:


public static PropertyProvider globalPropertyProvider()
Create a property evaluator based on getGlobalProperties() and putGlobalProperties(org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.EditableProperties). It will supply global properties and fire changes when this file is changed.

a property producer


public static PropertyProvider propertiesFilePropertyProvider(File propertiesFile)
Create a property provider based on a properties file. The file need not exist at the moment; if it is created or deleted an appropriate change will be fired. If its contents are changed on disk a change will also be fired.

propertiesFile - a path to a (possibly nonexistent) *.properties file
a supplier of properties from such a file
See Also:


public static File resolveFile(File basedir,
                               String filename)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Find an absolute file path from a possibly relative path.

basedir - base file for relative filename resolving; must be an absolute path
filename - a pathname which may be relative or absolute and may use / or \ as the path separator
an absolute file corresponding to it
IllegalArgumentException - if basedir is not absolute


public static String relativizeFile(File basedir,
                                    File file)
Produce a machine-independent relativized version of a filename from a basedir. Unlike URI.relativize(java.net.URI) this will produce "../" sequences as needed.

basedir - a directory to resolve relative to (need not exist on disk)
file - a file or directory to find a relative path for
a relativized path (slash-separated), or null if it is not possible (e.g. different DOS drives); just . in case the paths are the same
IllegalArgumentException - if the basedir is known to be a file and not a directory


public static String[] tokenizePath(String path)
Split an Ant-style path specification into components. Tokenizes on : and ;, paying attention to DOS-style components such as C:\FOO. Also removes any empty components.

path - an Ant-style path (elements arbitrary) using DOS or Unix separators
a tokenization of that path into components


public static boolean isUsablePropertyName(String name)
Checks whether the name is usable as Ant property name.

name - name to check for usability as Ant property
true if name is usable otherwise false


public static String getUsablePropertyName(String name)
Returns name usable as Ant property which is based on the given name. All forbidden characters are either removed or replaced with suitable ones.

name - name to use as base for Ant property name
name usable as Ant property name


public static PropertyProvider fixedPropertyProvider(Map<String,String> defs)
Create a trivial property producer using only a fixed list of property definitions. Its values are constant, and it never fires changes.

defs - a map from property names to values (it is illegal to modify this map after passing it to this method)
a matching property producer


public static PropertyEvaluator sequentialPropertyEvaluator(PropertyProvider preprovider,
                                                            PropertyProvider... providers)
Create a property evaluator based on a series of definitions.

Each batch of definitions can refer to properties within itself (so long as there is no cycle) or any previous batch. However the special first provider cannot refer to properties within itself.

This implementation acquires ProjectManager.mutex() for all operations, in read mode, and fires changes synchronously. It also expects changes to be fired from property providers in read (or write) access.

preprovider - an initial context (may be null)
providers - a sequential list of property groups
an evaluator


public static PropertyProvider userPropertiesProvider(PropertyEvaluator findUserPropertiesFile,
                                                      String propertyName,
                                                      File basedir)
Creates a property provider similar to globalPropertyProvider() but which can use a different global properties file. If a specific file is pointed to, that is loaded; otherwise behaves like globalPropertyProvider(). Permits behavior similar to command-line Ant where not erroneous, but using the IDE's default global properties for projects which do not yet have this property registered.

findUserPropertiesFile - an evaluator in which to look up propertyName
propertyName - a property pointing to the global properties file (typically "user.properties.file")
basedir - a base directory to use when resolving the path to the global properties file, if relative
a provider of global properties
org.netbeans.modules.project.ant/1 1.14

org.netbeans.modules.project.ant/1 1.16

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.