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TokenUtilities (Lexer) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Class TokenUtilities

  extended by org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenUtilities

public final class TokenUtilities
extends Object

Various utility methods related to token text.

Method Summary
static String debugText(CharSequence text)
          Return the given text as String translating the special characters (and '\') into escape sequences.
static boolean endsWith(CharSequence text, CharSequence suffix)
          Implementation of String.endsWith(String) for character sequences.
static boolean equals(CharSequence text1, CharSequence text2)
          Test whether the given character sequences represent the same text content.
static int indexOf(CharSequence text, CharSequence seq)
          Implementation of String.indexOf(String) for character sequences.
static int indexOf(CharSequence text, CharSequence seq, int fromIndex)
          Implementation of String.indexOf(String,int) for character sequences.
static int indexOf(CharSequence text, int ch)
          Implementation of String.indexOf(int) for character sequences.
static int indexOf(CharSequence text, int ch, int fromIndex)
          Implementation of String.indexOf(int,int) for character sequences.
static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence text, CharSequence seq)
          Implementation of String.lastIndexOf(String) for character sequences.
static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence text, CharSequence seq, int fromIndex)
          Implementation of String.lastIndexOf(String,int) for character sequences.
static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence text, int ch)
          Implementation of String.lastIndexOf(int) for character sequences.
static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence text, int ch, int fromIndex)
          Implementation of String.lastIndexOf(int,int) for character sequences.
static boolean startsWith(CharSequence text, CharSequence prefix)
          Implementation of String.startsWith(String) for character sequences.
static CharSequence trim(CharSequence text)
          Implementation of String.trim() for character sequences.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static boolean equals(CharSequence text1,
                             CharSequence text2)
Test whether the given character sequences represent the same text content.

text1 - non-null text to be compared to the other text parameter.
text2 - non-null text to be compared to the previous text parameter.
true if the given character sequences represent the same text content.


public static int indexOf(CharSequence text,
                          int ch)
Implementation of String.indexOf(int) for character sequences.


public static int indexOf(CharSequence text,
                          int ch,
                          int fromIndex)
Implementation of String.indexOf(int,int) for character sequences.


public static int indexOf(CharSequence text,
                          CharSequence seq)
Implementation of String.indexOf(String) for character sequences.


public static int indexOf(CharSequence text,
                          CharSequence seq,
                          int fromIndex)
Implementation of String.indexOf(String,int) for character sequences.


public static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence text,
                              CharSequence seq)
Implementation of String.lastIndexOf(String) for character sequences.


public static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence text,
                              CharSequence seq,
                              int fromIndex)
Implementation of String.lastIndexOf(String,int) for character sequences.


public static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence text,
                              int ch)
Implementation of String.lastIndexOf(int) for character sequences.


public static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence text,
                              int ch,
                              int fromIndex)
Implementation of String.lastIndexOf(int,int) for character sequences.


public static boolean startsWith(CharSequence text,
                                 CharSequence prefix)
Implementation of String.startsWith(String) for character sequences.


public static boolean endsWith(CharSequence text,
                               CharSequence suffix)
Implementation of String.endsWith(String) for character sequences.


public static CharSequence trim(CharSequence text)
Implementation of String.trim() for character sequences.


public static String debugText(CharSequence text)
Return the given text as String translating the special characters (and '\') into escape sequences.

text - non-null text to be debugged.
non-null string containing the debug text.

org.netbeans.modules.lexer/2 1.19.0 1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.