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ClassIndex (Java Source) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.java.source 0.13.0 1

Class ClassIndex

  extended by org.netbeans.api.java.source.ClassIndex

public final class ClassIndex
extends Object

The ClassIndex provides access to information stored in the persistent index. It can be used to obtain list of packages or declared types. It can be also used to obtain a list of source files referencing given type (usages of given type).

Nested Class Summary
static class ClassIndex.NameKind
          Encodes a type of the name kind used by getDeclaredTypes(java.lang.String, org.netbeans.api.java.source.ClassIndex.NameKind, java.util.Set) method.
static class ClassIndex.SearchKind
          Encodes a reference type, used by getElements(org.netbeans.api.java.source.ElementHandle, java.util.Set, java.util.Set) and getResources(org.netbeans.api.java.source.ElementHandle, java.util.Set, java.util.Set) to restrict the search.
static class ClassIndex.SearchScope
          Scope used by ClassIndex to search in
Method Summary
 void addClassIndexListener(ClassIndexListener listener)
          Adds an ClassIndexListener.
 Set<ElementHandle<TypeElement>> getDeclaredTypes(String name, ClassIndex.NameKind kind, Set<ClassIndex.SearchScope> scope)
          Returns ElementHandles for all declared types in given classpath corresponding to the name.
 Set<ElementHandle<TypeElement>> getElements(ElementHandle<TypeElement> element, Set<ClassIndex.SearchKind> searchKind, Set<ClassIndex.SearchScope> scope)
          Returns a set of ElementHandles containing reference(s) to given element.
 Set<String> getPackageNames(String prefix, boolean directOnly, Set<ClassIndex.SearchScope> scope)
          Returns names af all packages in given classpath starting with prefix.
 Set<FileObject> getResources(ElementHandle<TypeElement> element, Set<ClassIndex.SearchKind> searchKind, Set<ClassIndex.SearchScope> scope)
          Returns a set of source files containing reference(s) to given element.
 void removeClassIndexListener(ClassIndexListener listener)
          Removes an ClassIndexListener.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void addClassIndexListener(ClassIndexListener listener)
Adds an ClassIndexListener. The listener is notified about the changes of declared types in this ClassIndex

listener - to be added


public void removeClassIndexListener(ClassIndexListener listener)
Removes an ClassIndexListener. The listener is notified about the changes of declared types in this ClassIndex

listener - to be removed


public Set<ElementHandle<TypeElement>> getElements(ElementHandle<TypeElement> element,
                                                   Set<ClassIndex.SearchKind> searchKind,
                                                   Set<ClassIndex.SearchScope> scope)
Returns a set of ElementHandles containing reference(s) to given element.

element - for which usages should be found
searchKind - type of reference, ClassIndex.SearchKind
scope - to search in ClassIndex.SearchScope
set of ElementHandles containing the reference(s)


public Set<FileObject> getResources(ElementHandle<TypeElement> element,
                                    Set<ClassIndex.SearchKind> searchKind,
                                    Set<ClassIndex.SearchScope> scope)
Returns a set of source files containing reference(s) to given element.

element - for which usages should be found
searchKind - type of reference, ClassIndex.SearchKind
scope - to search in ClassIndex.SearchScope
set of FileObjects containing the reference(s)


public Set<ElementHandle<TypeElement>> getDeclaredTypes(String name,
                                                        ClassIndex.NameKind kind,
                                                        Set<ClassIndex.SearchScope> scope)
Returns ElementHandles for all declared types in given classpath corresponding to the name.

name - case sensitive prefix, case insensitive prefix, exact simple name, camel case or regular expression depending on the kind parameter.
kind - of the name ClassIndex.NameKind
scope - to search in ClassIndex.SearchScope
set of all matched declared types


public Set<String> getPackageNames(String prefix,
                                   boolean directOnly,
                                   Set<ClassIndex.SearchScope> scope)
Returns names af all packages in given classpath starting with prefix.

prefix - of the package name
directOnly - if true treats the packages as folders and returns only the nearest component of the package.
scope - to search in ClassIndex.SearchScope
set of all matched package names

org.netbeans.modules.java.source 0.13.0 1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.