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Overview (Java Platform) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.java.platform/1 1.9

Java Platform

JavaPlatformAPI The Java Platform API permits access to installed Java platforms (for example, the J2SE JDK, or various mobile-device emulators for J2ME).


Java Platform
org.netbeans.api.java.platform Representation of Java platform installations.
org.netbeans.spi.java.platform Registration of Java platform types.


JavaPlatformAPI The Java Platform API permits access to installed Java platforms (for example, the J2SE JDK, or various mobile-device emulators for J2ME). Particular platform types are registered by modules and can store customized information about the platform to disk.

What is New (see all changes)?

Use Cases

The API can be used by any code wishing to know the list of installed platforms and information about each one; typically this would be used by project type providers to implement a customizer dialog. The SPI is intended to be implemented by a few modules supply support for locating and introspecting installed platforms, for example a JDK setup wizard.

Exported Interfaces

This table lists all of the module exported APIs with defined stability classifications. It is generated based on answers to questions about the architecture of the module. Read them all...
Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

The Java Platform API permits access to installed Java platforms (for example, the J2SE JDK, or various mobile-device emulators for J2ME). Particular platform types are registered by modules and can store customized information about the platform to disk.

Implementation Details

What do other modules need to do to declare a dependency on this one, in addition to or instead of a plain module dependency?

Read more about the implementation in the answers to architecture questions.

org.netbeans.modules.java.platform/1 1.9

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.