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OptionUtilities (Editor Module) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor/3 1.32.0

Class OptionUtilities

  extended by org.netbeans.modules.editor.options.OptionUtilities

public class OptionUtilities
extends Object

Various utilities for Editor Options.


Field Summary
static String DEFAULT_FOLDER
Method Summary
static List arrangeMergedFolderObjects(Set items, Set attribs)
          Provides ordering of folder items in accordance with folder attributes
static List arrangeMergedPopup(Set items, Set attribs)
          Provides sorting of merged popup elements according to sort instructions in folder attribs
static String color2String(Color c)
          Converts Color to hexadecimal String representation
static String dimensionToString(Dimension dim)
          Coverts Insets to String representation
static int getFontStyle(String s)
          Decodes font style from string representation
static List getGlobalAttribs(String folderName)
          Gets a list of attributes defined in BaseOptions.BASE MultiPropertyFolder
static List getGlobalMenuItems(String folderName)
          Retrieves a list of BaseOptions.BASE MultiPropertyFolder items
static List getGlobalPopupAttribs()
          Gets attributes of base popup folder
static List getGlobalPopupMenuItems()
          Gets popup menu items (DataObjects) stored in base popup folder
static Map getMapDiff(Map oldMap, Map newMap, boolean allowNewKeys)
          Gets changed values of newMap against the oldMap.
static List getPopupStrings(List popup)
static List getPopupStrings(List popup, boolean addSeparatorInstance)
          Creates String representation of popup from DO representation
static String insetsToString(Insets ins)
          Coverts Insets to String representation
static String keysToString(KeyStroke[] stroke)
          Creates textual representation of KeyStroke[].
static String keyToString(KeyStroke stroke)
          Creates textual representation of KeyStroke.
static Map makeKeyBindingsMap(List propList)
          Converts KeyBings List to KeyBindings Map Map.key is the textual representation of keystroke(s)
static Dimension parseDimension(String s)
          Converts textual representation of Insets
static Insets parseInsets(String s)
          Converts textual representation of Insets
static void printDefaultAbbrevs(Map map)
static void printDefaultAbbrevs(Map map, FileObject file)
          Prints given Abbreviations Map to XML file with given FO
static void printDefaultKeyBindings(List list, FileObject file)
          Prints given KeyBindings List to XML file with given FO
static void printDefaultMacros(Map map, FileObject file)
          Prints given Macro Map to XML file with given FO
static Color string2Color(String s)
          Converts a String to an integer and returns the specified opaque Color.
static int string2Int(String s)
          Converts String to integer
static KeyStroke stringToKey(String s)
          Converts textual representatin of Keystroke
static KeyStroke[] stringToKeys(String s)
          Converts textual representatin of Keystroke[]
static String style2String(int i)
          Encodes font style to string representation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String DEFAULT_FOLDER
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static String color2String(Color c)
Converts Color to hexadecimal String representation


public static Color string2Color(String s)
Converts a String to an integer and returns the specified opaque Color.


public static int string2Int(String s)
Converts String to integer


public static int getFontStyle(String s)
Decodes font style from string representation


public static String style2String(int i)
Encodes font style to string representation


public static Map getMapDiff(Map oldMap,
                             Map newMap,
                             boolean allowNewKeys)
Gets changed values of newMap against the oldMap. If allowNewKey is false then diff will contain only changed oldMap keys


public static String keysToString(KeyStroke[] stroke)
Creates textual representation of KeyStroke[].


public static String keyToString(KeyStroke stroke)
Creates textual representation of KeyStroke.


public static KeyStroke stringToKey(String s)
Converts textual representatin of Keystroke


public static KeyStroke[] stringToKeys(String s)
Converts textual representatin of Keystroke[]


public static void printDefaultAbbrevs(Map map)


public static void printDefaultAbbrevs(Map map,
                                       FileObject file)
Prints given Abbreviations Map to XML file with given FO


public static void printDefaultMacros(Map map,
                                      FileObject file)
Prints given Macro Map to XML file with given FO


public static void printDefaultKeyBindings(List list,
                                           FileObject file)
Prints given KeyBindings List to XML file with given FO


public static String insetsToString(Insets ins)
Coverts Insets to String representation


public static Insets parseInsets(String s)
Converts textual representation of Insets


public static String dimensionToString(Dimension dim)
Coverts Insets to String representation


public static Dimension parseDimension(String s)
Converts textual representation of Insets


public static Map makeKeyBindingsMap(List propList)
Converts KeyBings List to KeyBindings Map Map.key is the textual representation of keystroke(s)


public static List getGlobalAttribs(String folderName)
Gets a list of attributes defined in BaseOptions.BASE MultiPropertyFolder


public static List getGlobalPopupAttribs()
Gets attributes of base popup folder


public static List getGlobalPopupMenuItems()
Gets popup menu items (DataObjects) stored in base popup folder


public static List getGlobalMenuItems(String folderName)
Retrieves a list of BaseOptions.BASE MultiPropertyFolder items


public static List getPopupStrings(List popup)


public static List getPopupStrings(List popup,
                                   boolean addSeparatorInstance)
Creates String representation of popup from DO representation

addSeparatorInstance - if true the result list will use instance of JSeparator in case of separator, if false null will be used


public static List arrangeMergedFolderObjects(Set items,
                                              Set attribs)
Provides ordering of folder items in accordance with folder attributes


public static List arrangeMergedPopup(Set items,
                                      Set attribs)
Provides sorting of merged popup elements according to sort instructions in folder attribs

org.netbeans.modules.editor/3 1.32.0

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.