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Uses of Class org.netbeans.api.editor.guards.GuardedSection (Editor Guarded Sections) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.guards/0 0.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use GuardedSection

Uses of GuardedSection in org.netbeans.api.editor.guards

Subclasses of GuardedSection in org.netbeans.api.editor.guards
 class InteriorSection
          Represents an advanced guarded section.
 class SimpleSection
          Represents a simple guarded section.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.editor.guards that return types with arguments of type GuardedSection
 Iterable<GuardedSection> GuardedSectionManager.getGuardedSections()
          Gets all sections.

Uses of GuardedSection in org.netbeans.spi.editor.guards.support

Methods in org.netbeans.spi.editor.guards.support that return types with arguments of type GuardedSection
 List<GuardedSection> AbstractGuardedSectionsProvider.Result.getGuardedSections()

Method parameters in org.netbeans.spi.editor.guards.support with type arguments of type GuardedSection
abstract  char[] AbstractGuardedSectionsProvider.writeSections(List<GuardedSection> sections, char[] content)
          This should be implemented to persist a list of guarded sections inside the passed content.

Constructor parameters in org.netbeans.spi.editor.guards.support with type arguments of type GuardedSection
AbstractGuardedSectionsProvider.Result(char[] content, List<GuardedSection> sections)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.guards/0 0.1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.