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Uses of Class org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold.FoldHierarchyTransaction (Editor Code Folding) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.fold/1 1.6

Uses of Class

Packages that use FoldHierarchyTransaction

Uses of FoldHierarchyTransaction in org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold

Methods in org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold that return FoldHierarchyTransaction
 FoldHierarchyTransaction FoldOperation.openTransaction()
          Open a new transaction over the fold hierarchy.

Methods in org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold with parameters of type FoldHierarchyTransaction
 Fold FoldOperation.addToHierarchy(FoldType type, String description, boolean collapsed, int startOffset, int endOffset, int startGuardedLength, int endGuardedLength, Object extraInfo, FoldHierarchyTransaction transaction)
          Create new fold instance and add it to the hierarchy.
 void FoldManager.changedUpdate(DocumentEvent evt, FoldHierarchyTransaction transaction)
          Called by hierarchy upon the change in the underlying document.
 void FoldManager.initFolds(FoldHierarchyTransaction transaction)
          Initialize the folds provided by this manager.
 void FoldManager.insertUpdate(DocumentEvent evt, FoldHierarchyTransaction transaction)
          Called by hierarchy upon the insertion to the underlying document.
 void FoldOperation.removeFromHierarchy(Fold fold, FoldHierarchyTransaction transaction)
          Remove the fold that is either present in the hierarchy or blocked by another fold.
 void FoldManager.removeUpdate(DocumentEvent evt, FoldHierarchyTransaction transaction)
          Called by hierarchy upon the removal in the underlying document.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.fold/1 1.6

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.