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CompletionItem (Editor Code Completion) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.completion/1 1.8

Interface CompletionItem

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface CompletionItem

The interface representing a single item of the result list that can be displayed in the completion popup.

Method Summary
 CompletionTask createDocumentationTask()
          Returns a task used to obtain a documentation associated with the item if there is any.
 CompletionTask createToolTipTask()
          Returns a task used to obtain a tooltip hint associated with the item if there is any.
 void defaultAction(JTextComponent component)
          Gets invoked when user presses VK_ENTER key or when she double-clicks on this item with the mouse cursor.
 CharSequence getInsertPrefix()
          Returns a text used for finding of a longest common prefix after the TAB gets pressed or when the completion is opened explicitly.
 int getPreferredWidth(Graphics g, Font defaultFont)
          Get the preferred visual width of this item.
 int getSortPriority()
          Returns the item's priority.
 CharSequence getSortText()
          Returns a text used to sort items alphabetically.
 boolean instantSubstitution(JTextComponent component)
          When enabled for the item the instant substitution should process the item in the same way like when the item is displayed and Enter key gets pressed by the user.
 void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent evt)
          Process the key pressed when this completion item was selected in the completion popup window.
 void render(Graphics g, Font defaultFont, Color defaultColor, Color backgroundColor, int width, int height, boolean selected)
          Render this item into the given graphics.

Method Detail


void defaultAction(JTextComponent component)
Gets invoked when user presses VK_ENTER key or when she double-clicks on this item with the mouse cursor.
This method gets invoked from AWT thread.

component - non-null text component for which the completion was invoked.


void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent evt)
Process the key pressed when this completion item was selected in the completion popup window.
This method gets invoked from AWT thread.

evt - non-null key event of the pressed key. It should be consumed in case the item is sensitive to the given key. The source of this event is the text component to which the corresponding action should be performed.


int getPreferredWidth(Graphics g,
                      Font defaultFont)
Get the preferred visual width of this item.
The visual height of the item is fixed to 16 points.

g - graphics that can be used for determining the preferred width e.g. getting of the font metrics.
defaultFont - default font used for rendering.


void render(Graphics g,
            Font defaultFont,
            Color defaultColor,
            Color backgroundColor,
            int width,
            int height,
            boolean selected)
Render this item into the given graphics.

g - graphics to render the item into.
defaultFont - default font used for rendering.
defaultColor - default color used for rendering.
backgroundColor - color used for background.
width - width of the area to render into.
height - height of the are to render into.
selected - whether this item is visually selected in the list into which the items are being rendered.


CompletionTask createDocumentationTask()
Returns a task used to obtain a documentation associated with the item if there is any.


CompletionTask createToolTipTask()
Returns a task used to obtain a tooltip hint associated with the item if there is any.


boolean instantSubstitution(JTextComponent component)
When enabled for the item the instant substitution should process the item in the same way like when the item is displayed and Enter key gets pressed by the user.
Instant substitution is invoked when there would be just a single item displayed in the completion popup window.
The implementation can invoke the defaultAction(JTextComponent) if necessary.
This method gets invoked from AWT thread.

component - non-null text component for which the completion was invoked.
true if the instant substitution was successfully done. false means that the instant substitution should not be done for this item and the completion item should normally be displayed.


int getSortPriority()
Returns the item's priority. A lower value means a lower index of the item in the completion result list.


CharSequence getSortText()
Returns a text used to sort items alphabetically.


CharSequence getInsertPrefix()
Returns a text used for finding of a longest common prefix after the TAB gets pressed or when the completion is opened explicitly.
The completion infrastructure will evaluate the insert prefixes of all the items present in the visible result and finds the longest common prefix.

Generally the returned text does not need to contain all the information that gets inserted when the item is selected.
For example in java completion the field name should be returned for fields or a method name for methods (but not parameters) or a non-FQN name for classes.

non-null character sequence containing the insert prefix.
Returning an empty string will effectively disable the TAB completion as the longest common prefix will be empty.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.completion/1 1.8

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.