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Completion (Editor Code Completion) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.completion/1 1.8

Class Completion

  extended by org.netbeans.api.editor.completion.Completion

public final class Completion
extends Object

Code completion allows the clients to request explicit showing or hiding of the code completion.
It's a singleton instance.

Method Summary
static Completion get()
          Get the singleton instance of this class.
 void hideAll()
          Hide either of the possibly opened code completion, documentation or tooltip windows.
 void hideCompletion()
          Hide a completion popup window if it's opened.
 void hideDocumentation()
          Hides a documentation popup window if it's opened.
 void hideToolTip()
          Hides a tooltip popup window if it's opened.
 void showCompletion()
          Request showing of the code completion popup for the currently focused text component.
 void showDocumentation()
          Request showing of the documentation popup for the currently focused text component.
 void showToolTip()
          Request showing of the tooltip popup for the currently focused text component.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Completion get()
Get the singleton instance of this class.


public void showCompletion()
Request showing of the code completion popup for the currently focused text component.
The completion will be shown if there are any results to be shown for the particular context.

This method can be called from any thread but when called outside of AWT the request will be rescheduled into AWT.


public void hideCompletion()
Hide a completion popup window if it's opened.

This method can be called from any thread. The cancelling of the possibly running tasks is done synchronously and the GUI will be updated in the AWT thread.


public void showDocumentation()
Request showing of the documentation popup for the currently focused text component.
The documentation popup will be shown if there are any results to be shown for the particular context.

This method can be called from any thread but when called outside of AWT the request will be rescheduled into AWT.


public void hideDocumentation()
Hides a documentation popup window if it's opened.

This method can be called from any thread. The cancelling of the possibly running tasks is done synchronously and the GUI will be updated in the AWT thread.


public void showToolTip()
Request showing of the tooltip popup for the currently focused text component.
The tooltip popup will be shown if there are any results to be shown for the particular context.

This method can be called from any thread but when called outside of AWT the request will be rescheduled into AWT.


public void hideToolTip()
Hides a tooltip popup window if it's opened.

This method can be called from any thread. The cancelling of the possibly running tasks is done synchronously and the GUI will be updated in the AWT thread.


public void hideAll()
Hide either of the possibly opened code completion, documentation or tooltip windows.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.completion/1 1.8

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.