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DatabaseRuntime (Database Explorer) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.db/0 1.20.0 4

Interface DatabaseRuntime

public interface DatabaseRuntime

Represents an instance of a database server, typically a local installation which can be started when a connection to this server is being made, or stopped upon IDE shutdown.

Implementations of this class should be put in the Databases/Runtimes folder in the default filesystem.

Method Summary
 boolean acceptsDatabaseURL(String url)
          Returns whether this runtime accepts this database URL (the database URL would cause a connection to be made to the database server instance represented by this runtime).
 boolean canStart()
          Returns whether the database server instance can be started by a call to the start() method.
 String getJDBCDriverClass()
          Returns the JDBC driver class which is used to make connections to the represented database server instance.
 boolean isRunning()
          Returns the state (running/not running) of the represented database server instance.
 void start()
          Starts the database server instance represented by this runtime.
 void stop()
          Stops the database server instance represented by this runtime.

Method Detail


String getJDBCDriverClass()
Returns the JDBC driver class which is used to make connections to the represented database server instance.

When a connection is being made, only the database runtimes which have the same JDBC driver as the driver used by this connection are considered for further usage (e.g., starting the database server instance).

the fully-qualified class name of the driver used to make connections to the represented database server instance.


boolean acceptsDatabaseURL(String url)
Returns whether this runtime accepts this database URL (the database URL would cause a connection to be made to the database server instance represented by this runtime).

url - the database URL
true if the runtime accepts this database URL; false otherwise.


boolean isRunning()
Returns the state (running/not running) of the represented database server instance.

true if the database server instance is running; false otherwise.


boolean canStart()
Returns whether the database server instance can be started by a call to the start() method.

true if the database server instance can be started; false otherwise.


void start()
Starts the database server instance represented by this runtime.


void stop()
Stops the database server instance represented by this runtime.

org.netbeans.modules.db/0 1.20.0 4

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.