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Uses of Class org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator.Coord (Terminal Emulator) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator 1.2

Uses of Class

Uses of Coord in org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator

Fields in org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator declared as Coord
 Coord Extent.begin
 Coord ActiveRegion.begin
 Coord Extent.end
 Coord ActiveRegion.end

Methods in org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator that return Coord
 Coord Term.advance(Coord c)
          Advance the coordinate by one charater and return new coord.
 Coord Term.backup(Coord c)
          Back up the coordinate by one character and return new Coord.
 Coord Term.getCursorCoord()
          Get (absolute) cursor coordinates.
static Coord Coord.make(int row, int col)
 Coord Term.PositionToCoord(int position)
          [DO NOT USE] Convert a 1D linear position to a 2D Coord.

Methods in org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator with parameters of type Coord
 Coord Term.advance(Coord c)
          Advance the coordinate by one charater and return new coord.
 Coord Term.backup(Coord c)
          Back up the coordinate by one character and return new Coord.
 ActiveRegion RegionManager.beginRegion(Coord begin)
          Creates a new active region.
 int Term.CoordToPosition(Coord c)
          [DO NOT USE] Convert a 2D Coord to a 1D linear position.
 void Coord.copyFrom(Coord src)
 void RegionManager.endRegion(Coord end)
          Declare the end of the current active region.
 boolean Coord.equals(Coord target)
 Extent Term.extentInLogicalLine(Coord begin, int offset, int length)
          Convert offsets in logical lines into physical coordinates.
 ActiveRegion RegionManager.findRegion(Coord acoord)
 ActiveRegion ActiveTerm.findRegion(Coord coord)
 void Term.goTo(Coord coord)
 void ActiveTerm.hilite(Coord begin, Coord end)
 boolean Term.isCoordVisible(Coord target)
          If the given coordinate is visible within the screen returns true, otherwise returns false.
 void Term.possiblyNormalize(Coord target)
          Ensure that the given coordinate is visible.
 void Term.reverseVisitLogicalLines(Coord begin, Coord end, LogicalLineVisitor llv)
          Visit logical lines in reverse from end through begin.
 void Term.setCharacterAttribute(Coord begin, Coord end, int value, boolean on)
          Set or unset the display attribute for characters from 'begin' to 'end' inclusive to 'value' depending on the value of 'on'.
 void Term.setCursorCoord(Coord coord)
          Move the cursor to the given (absolute) coordinates SHOULD be setCursorCoord!
 String Term.textWithin(Coord begin, Coord end)
 Point Term.toPixel(Coord target)
          Convert row/column coords to pixel coords within the widgets coordinate system.
 boolean LogicalLineVisitor.visit(int line, Coord begin, Coord end, String text)
          Called for each logical line.
 void Term.visitLogicalLines(Coord begin, Coord end, LogicalLineVisitor llv)
          Visit logical lines from begin through end.

Constructors in org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator with parameters of type Coord
Coord(Coord coord)
Extent(Coord begin, Coord end)

org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator 1.2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.