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Uses of Class org.netbeans.api.visual.model.ObjectState (Visual Library API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectState
org.netbeans.api.visual.laf This package contains LookFeel class with style definition for colors and borders. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.model This package contains ObjectScene class which is a scene with ability to register model-objects with widgets on the scene. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.vmd This package contains a VMD visualization style. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.widget This package contains Widget class. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.general This package contains general high-level widgets. 

Uses of ObjectState in org.netbeans.api.visual.laf

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.laf with parameters of type ObjectState
abstract  Paint LookFeel.getBackground(ObjectState state)
          Returns a background for a specific state.
abstract  Border LookFeel.getBorder(ObjectState state)
          Returns a border for a specific state.
abstract  Color LookFeel.getForeground(ObjectState state)
          Returns a foreground for a specific state.
abstract  Color LookFeel.getLineColor(ObjectState state)
          Returns a line color for a specific state.
abstract  Border LookFeel.getMiniBorder(ObjectState state)
          Returns a minimalistic version of border for a specific state.
abstract  boolean LookFeel.getOpaque(ObjectState state)
          Returns a opacity value for a specific state.

Uses of ObjectState in org.netbeans.api.visual.model

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.model that return ObjectState
static ObjectState ObjectState.createNormal()
          Creates a normal (initial/default) state.
 ObjectState ObjectState.deriveHighlighted(boolean highlighted)
          Creates a state derived from this one where the highlighted flag will be set according to the parameter.
 ObjectState ObjectState.deriveObjectFocused(boolean focused)
          Creates a state derived from this one where the object-focused flag will be set according to the parameter.
 ObjectState ObjectState.deriveObjectHovered(boolean hovered)
          Creates a state derived from this one where the object-hovered flag will be set according to the parameter.
 ObjectState ObjectState.deriveSelected(boolean selected)
          Creates a state derived from this one where the selected flag will be set according to the parameter.
 ObjectState ObjectState.deriveWidgetAimed(boolean aimed)
          Creates a state derived from this one where the aimed flag will be set according to the parameter.
 ObjectState ObjectState.deriveWidgetFocused(boolean focused)
          Creates a state derived from this one where the widget-focused flag will be set according to the parameter.
 ObjectState ObjectState.deriveWidgetHovered(boolean hovered)
          Creates a state derived from this one where the widget-hovered flag will be set according to the parameter.
 ObjectState ObjectScene.getObjectState(Object object)
          Returns an object-state of a specified object.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.model with parameters of type ObjectState
 void ObjectSceneListener.objectStateChanged(ObjectSceneEvent event, Object changedObject, ObjectState previousState, ObjectState newState)
          Called to notify that the object state of an object is changed.

Uses of ObjectState in org.netbeans.api.visual.vmd

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.vmd with parameters of type ObjectState
protected  void VMDPinWidget.notifyStateChanged(ObjectState previousState, ObjectState state)
          Called to notify about the change of the widget state.
protected  void VMDNodeWidget.notifyStateChanged(ObjectState previousState, ObjectState state)
          Called to notify about the change of the widget state.
 void VMDConnectionWidget.notifyStateChanged(ObjectState previousState, ObjectState state)
          Implements the widget-state specific look of the widget.

Uses of ObjectState in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget that return ObjectState
 ObjectState Widget.getState()
          Returns a state of the widget.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget with parameters of type ObjectState
protected  void Widget.notifyStateChanged(ObjectState previousState, ObjectState state)
          Called to notify about the change of the widget state.
 void ConnectionWidget.notifyStateChanged(ObjectState previousState, ObjectState state)
          Implements the widget-state specific look of the widget.
 void Widget.setState(ObjectState state)
          Sets a state of the widget.

Uses of ObjectState in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.general

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.general with parameters of type ObjectState
 void ListWidget.notifyStateChanged(ObjectState previousState, ObjectState state)
          Deprecated. Implements the widget-state specific look of the widget.
 void ListItemWidget.notifyStateChanged(ObjectState previousState, ObjectState state)
          Deprecated. Implements the widget-state specific look of the widget.
 void IconNodeWidget.notifyStateChanged(ObjectState previousState, ObjectState state)
          Implements the widget-state specific look of the widget.

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.