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AggregateProgressFactory (Progress API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.api.progress/1 1.9.0 1

Class AggregateProgressFactory

  extended by org.netbeans.api.progress.aggregate.AggregateProgressFactory

public final class AggregateProgressFactory
extends Object

Factory for creation of aggregate progress indication handles and individual contributor instances. For a more simple version of progress indication, see ProgressHandleFactory

Method Summary
static JLabel createDetailLabelComponent(AggregateProgressHandle handle)
          Get the detail messages component for use in custom dialogs, the task won't show in the progress bar anymore.The text of the label is changed by calls to contributors' progress(String) methods.
static AggregateProgressHandle createHandle(String displayName, ProgressContributor[] contributors, Cancellable allowToCancel, Action linkOutput)
          Create an aggregating progress ui handle for a long lasting task.
static JLabel createMainLabelComponent(AggregateProgressHandle handle)
          Get the task title component for use in custom dialogs, the task won't show in the progress bar anymore.
static JComponent createProgressComponent(AggregateProgressHandle handle)
          Get the progress bar component for use in custom dialogs, the task won't show in the progress bar anymore.
static ProgressContributor createProgressContributor(String trackingId)
static AggregateProgressHandle createSystemHandle(String displayName, ProgressContributor[] contributors, Cancellable allowToCancel, Action linkOutput)
          Create an aggregating progress ui handle for a long lasting task.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static AggregateProgressHandle createHandle(String displayName,
                                                   ProgressContributor[] contributors,
                                                   Cancellable allowToCancel,
                                                   Action linkOutput)
Create an aggregating progress ui handle for a long lasting task.

contributors - the initial set of progress indication contributors that are aggregated in the UI.
allowToCancel - either null, if the task cannot be cancelled or an instance of Cancellable that will be called when user triggers cancel of the task.
linkOutput - an Action instance that links the running task in the progress bar to an output of the task. The action is assumed to open the apropriate component with the task's output.
displayName - to be shown in the progress UI
an instance of ProgressHandle, initialized but not started.


public static ProgressContributor createProgressContributor(String trackingId)


public static AggregateProgressHandle createSystemHandle(String displayName,
                                                         ProgressContributor[] contributors,
                                                         Cancellable allowToCancel,
                                                         Action linkOutput)
Create an aggregating progress ui handle for a long lasting task.

contributors - the initial set of progress indication contributors that are aggregated in the UI.
allowToCancel - either null, if the task cannot be cancelled or an instance of Cancellable that will be called when user triggers cancel of the task.
linkOutput - an Action instance that links the running task in the progress bar to an output of the task. The action is assumed to open the apropriate component with the task's output.
displayName - to be shown in the progress UI
an instance of ProgressHandle, initialized but not started.


public static JComponent createProgressComponent(AggregateProgressHandle handle)
Get the progress bar component for use in custom dialogs, the task won't show in the progress bar anymore.

the component to use in custom UI.
org.netbeans.api.progress 1.3


public static JLabel createMainLabelComponent(AggregateProgressHandle handle)
Get the task title component for use in custom dialogs, the task won't show in the progress bar anymore. The text of the label is changed by calls to handle's setDisplayName() method.

the component to use in custom UI.
org.netbeans.api.progress 1.8


public static JLabel createDetailLabelComponent(AggregateProgressHandle handle)
Get the detail messages component for use in custom dialogs, the task won't show in the progress bar anymore.The text of the label is changed by calls to contributors' progress(String) methods.

the component to use in custom UI.
org.netbeans.api.progress 1.8

org.netbeans.api.progress/1 1.9.0 1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.