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Uses of Interface org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.Variable (JPDA Debugger API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda/2 2.13

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Variable
org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda JPDA Debugger APIs provide representation of JDI functionality. 
org.netbeans.spi.debugger.jpda JPDA Debugger SPIs defines support for Smart Stepping, Variables Filterring and filterring of all Debugger Views. 

Uses of Variable in org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda

Subinterfaces of Variable in org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda
 interface ClassVariable
          Represents an instance of java.lang.Class from the target VM.
 interface Field
          Represents one field.
 interface JPDAWatch
          Represents watch in JPDA debugger.
 interface LocalVariable
          Represents one local.
 interface ObjectVariable
          Represents instance of some object in debugged JVM.
 interface ReturnVariable
          Represents a return value from a method.
 interface Super
          Represents super class of some object and its value.
 interface This
          Represents "this" value for call stack frame.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda that return Variable
abstract  Variable JPDADebugger.evaluate(String expression)
          Evaluates given expression in the current context.
 Variable ObjectVariable.invokeMethod(String methodName, String signature, Variable[] arguments)
          Calls given method in debugged JVM on this instance and returns its value.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda with parameters of type Variable
 Variable ObjectVariable.invokeMethod(String methodName, String signature, Variable[] arguments)
          Calls given method in debugged JVM on this instance and returns its value.

Uses of Variable in org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.event

Methods in org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.event that return Variable
 Variable JPDABreakpointEvent.getVariable()
          Returns context variable.

Constructors in org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.event with parameters of type Variable
JPDABreakpointEvent(JPDABreakpoint sourceBreakpoint, JPDADebugger debugger, int conditionResult, JPDAThread thread, com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType referenceType, Variable variable)
          Creates a new instance of JPDABreakpointEvent.
JPDABreakpointEvent(JPDABreakpoint sourceBreakpoint, JPDADebugger debugger, Throwable conditionException, JPDAThread thread, com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType referenceType, Variable variable)
          Creates a new instance of JPDABreakpointEvent.

Uses of Variable in org.netbeans.spi.debugger.jpda

Methods in org.netbeans.spi.debugger.jpda that return Variable
 Variable EditorContext.Operation.getReturnValue()
          Get the return value of this operation.

Methods in org.netbeans.spi.debugger.jpda with parameters of type Variable
 Action[] VariablesFilterAdapter.getActions(NodeActionsProvider original, Variable variable)
          Returns set of actions for given variable.
abstract  Action[] VariablesFilter.getActions(NodeActionsProvider original, Variable variable)
          Returns set of actions for given variable.
 Object[] VariablesFilterAdapter.getChildren(TreeModel original, Variable variable, int from, int to)
          Returns filtered children for given variable on given indexes.
abstract  Object[] VariablesFilter.getChildren(TreeModel original, Variable variable, int from, int to)
          Returns filtered children for given variable on given indexes.
 int VariablesFilterAdapter.getChildrenCount(TreeModel original, Variable variable)
          Returns number of filtered children for given variable.
abstract  int VariablesFilter.getChildrenCount(TreeModel original, Variable variable)
          Returns number of filtered children for given variable.
 String VariablesFilterAdapter.getDisplayName(NodeModel original, Variable variable)
          Returns filterred display name for given variable.
abstract  String VariablesFilter.getDisplayName(NodeModel original, Variable variable)
          Returns filterred display name for given variable.
 String VariablesFilterAdapter.getIconBase(NodeModel original, Variable variable)
          Returns filterred icon for given variable.
abstract  String VariablesFilter.getIconBase(NodeModel original, Variable variable)
          Returns filterred icon for given variable.
 String VariablesFilterAdapter.getShortDescription(NodeModel original, Variable variable)
          Returns filterred tooltip for given variable.
abstract  String VariablesFilter.getShortDescription(NodeModel original, Variable variable)
          Returns filterred tooltip for given variable.
 Object VariablesFilterAdapter.getValueAt(TableModel original, Variable variable, String columnID)
          Returns filterred value to be displayed in column columnID and for variable variable.
abstract  Object VariablesFilter.getValueAt(TableModel original, Variable variable, String columnID)
          Returns filterred value to be displayed in column columnID and for variable variable.
 boolean VariablesFilterAdapter.isLeaf(TreeModel original, Variable variable)
          Returns true if variable is leaf.
abstract  boolean VariablesFilter.isLeaf(TreeModel original, Variable variable)
          Returns true if variable is leaf.
 boolean VariablesFilterAdapter.isReadOnly(TableModel original, Variable variable, String columnID)
          Filters original isReadOnly value from given table model.
abstract  boolean VariablesFilter.isReadOnly(TableModel original, Variable variable, String columnID)
          Filters original isReadOnly value from given table model.
 void VariablesFilterAdapter.performDefaultAction(NodeActionsProvider original, Variable variable)
          Performs default action for given variable.
abstract  void VariablesFilter.performDefaultAction(NodeActionsProvider original, Variable variable)
          Performs default action for given variable.
 void EditorContext.Operation.setReturnValue(Variable returnValue)
          Set the return value of this operation.
 void VariablesFilterAdapter.setValueAt(TableModel original, Variable variable, String columnID, Object value)
          Changes a value displayed in column columnID for variable variable.
abstract  void VariablesFilter.setValueAt(TableModel original, Variable variable, String columnID, Object value)
          Changes a value displayed in column columnID for variable variable.

org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda/2 2.13

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.